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  1. capitalcommie Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 21, 2015
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    In Game Name:
    Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned/muted? If so, what is your previous name:
    Which of ECC's services are you banned/muted on:
    Ecocitycraft Server
    Reason of Ban/Mute:
    Rule Violated:
    Trolling is not allowed on the server, especially any trolling that is directed towards another user. This includes, but is not limited to:
    Flame baiting
    Harassment (See Section 2 Clause 2.)
    Attempts to start any form of chaos and discord within the server.
    Clause 2 - Harassment(top)
    Harassment constitutes as any form of action (chat or game play wise) that makes another player feel threatened or otherwise ruins their game play.
    Griefing in the wild does not constitute harassment. Harassment in the wild is strictly chat/command based.
    This includes, but is not limited to; blackmail, bullying or any other form of harassment that occurs through our chat system.
    Attempting to kill other players in any non-PvP zone also constitutes as harassment, and succeeding in killing other players in non-PvP areas is a very severe offence that will result in a ban.
    Harassment is absolutely inexcusable on EcoCityCraft. If you are engaging in this behavior expect to be removed from the server with little to no warning.
    Disrespecting staff falls under this rule.
    Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means:
    This means that you can not personally hurt another player, or anger staff.
    Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned/un-muted:
    I own /warp bet a shop that buys ores and sells nstars, my direct competition is station3 owned by @samiwarbler . I am also advertising /warp station5 owned by good friend @Cas_with_a_K t to help her out as she is not direct competition and is just selling potions. I am trying to get new players to my shop, by advertising via /shout and trade and having my username be DontShopAtStation3 (which had been the first time I had used that username), when asked by @UnitedStates2 to change my username i changed it to (color code 4) AnywhereButStation3 (which I had used for 3 weeks with no problems). I then asked politely in global about where the color was allowed as the color (code 4) resembles server admin color. I was then banned for trolling without my question being answered. I am just trying to advertise me and my friends shop and am saddened that I get banned for doing so.
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    #1 capitalcommie, May 22, 2019
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
  2. UnitedStates2 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Nov 30, 2014
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    Hence why you advertised HighGarden, which was in direct competition with you when it came to your ore purchases?

    Actually isn't your first time using such a name - You've had this and similar names for the past few weeks. And besides, I don't get it; why single out only one shop, especially when there are other far more major competitors (ie, again, HighGarden)? Oh right... It's because of who owns it. Mind that your nickname before these Station3-related nicks was "IHateSami" and similar variants.

    Now, I'm not entirely sure why you two dislike each other in the first place (I hear it has something to do with someone being upset they were blocked on Discord but who knows) but I don't think it's too much to ask that you keep dumb personal drama outside of global chat. Your relentless "ad" campaign against Sami was not only becoming obnoxious (and involving several minor chat channel infractions too) and arguably borderline harassment but it made no economic sense either. You're free to advertise your own shop, but advertising needn't involve constant attacks motivated by personal animus to a certain user.

    Oh, and you knew quite well why I had asked you to change your name and it had nothing to do with colors (Yet another falsehood, which makes me wonder if I should extend this tempban for wasting my time). But for the record: yeah, you can use those nickname colors. And by the way, tempbans aren't appealable.
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