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  1. Drewbo_ Guest

    In Game Name:
    Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned/muted? If so, what is your previous name:
    Which of ECC's services are you banned/muted on:
    Reason of Ban/Mute:
    Staff disrespect towards UnitedStates2
    Rule Violated:
    General Discord Rules
    - Remember that Discord and Minecraft are composed of many different age groups. Talking about inappropriate subjects in any way around minors is prohibited. Use your common sense. If you see that there are children in the global channels and your topic is inappropriate, stop. In addition, ask those who may be engaging in these discussions to stop as well. It is your responsibility as a community member to step up.
    - Avoid constantly cursing for no reason in our non-password channels (As well as all channels if the age group is young). Yes, this is a voice server and rules are hard to enforce, but think about others and the way they may feel about it before you belt out a string of foul language into your microphone. This will be taken as spam and you will be acted upon.
    - There is to be no abuse of any Discord members in any way including harassing/provoking others.
    Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means:
    This rule means that you aren't allowed to harass other users or make them uncomfortable in any shape or form. ECC is supposed to be a welcoming place to all sorts of users.
    Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned/un-muted:
    Hello, anonymous reader. Let me first start by thanking you for taking time out of your day to read my appeal. I am sure there are countless other more important things you can do. But you have choosen to listen to what I am about to say, and I am very greatful. The appeal hereforth will be organized with an introduction that apologizes to the entire staff, an explanation of what lead up to my ban, an apology towards United in particular, the case for me getting a second chance and finally a conclusion and reiteration of what was said above.

    Let me first start this appeal by apologizing to the entire staff team and andrew. You have all been working countless hours to make ECC a great place that is safe for a diverse set of people, from many different backgrounds and of all ages. Not only do you have an immense workload as-is, but due to new advertising on Minechat and traditional voting sites, the workload is due for a substantial increase and in the past few days I see ECC peaking at 150+, surely many if not most of these newfound users being builders. The duties of Moderator include attending to new users, the help/support section in addition to moderation duties both on the forums and ingame. The duties of a SuperMod include not just that but also attending to ban appeals and LWCs filed by town owners on user who have been warned for grief, offline 7 days+ or refuse to unlock their LWCs after an eviction. The duties of GameAdmin include the mentioned duties of a Moderator, in addition to handling applications, ranging from Resident to Voyager to Ecolegend. The duties of the SA team are making sure the server runs smoothly as a whole and the staff team is functioning, responding to any staff feedback filed by users on particular staff members. Finally, the duty of the Owner/Andrew is to deal with virtually everything on ECC: Manage staff/Server Admins, manage the financial side, the plugins/technical side, the legal side and much more. As we can see, virtually every staff member and the owner have an immense workload to deal with, and a growing one. I, again, profusely apologize for wasting staff time with my actions and hope that processing my appeal isn't too burdensome.

    What was the action that lead up to my ban, as some my wonder? It was due to my irresponsible actions on discord, specifically where I call @UnitedStates2 a "bitch". And while banning me off the bat for such a comment may be misconstrued by an observer as unreasonably harsh, when one takes time to think about it, it isn't harsh at all and is rather a testament to how warped our viewpoint of the rules is. Or in other words: I _knew_ what I was doing. I _knew_ it was wrong. But I did it anyways. One shouldn't need repeated warnings to realize that staff disrespect has no place on the server and that it won't be tolerated. But I was a fool, and I ignored what the rules say and even what I enforced when I was a moderator on this very server. And I realize the error of my ways.

    I'd like to take some time here to apologize to United as well. As a GameAdmin, as stated above, he works extremely hard to keep this server running and to service users, all for free. As someone who has served as a moderator, I am sympathetic to this and I understand why adding to the already great amount of stress is a bad thing. I again, apologize for any offense to United and would like to move on and hopefully repair our relationship.

    Finally, as some might ask, what's to say I won't do this again? Why be so certain that I won't be appealing here once again, wasting even more staff time. I'd point to my otherwise perfect record, as I have never been banned on this server and have had a history of following the rules, in addition to enforcing them. And to those still skeptical - Why can't we have second chances? I deserve a second chance as much as anyone, lest a 15th that many other users with colorful BA/C histories are getting. To unban them, but not me is to show the utmost bias and unfairness.

    I would like to close this appeal by apologizing to the entire staff team, United in particular and the server itself for my extremely inappropriate actions. I will accept whatever consequence my actions bring upon me as I recognize I have done immense wrong and, again, I am very sorry for everything.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this appeal.
    - Drew
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  2. UnitedStates2 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Nov 30, 2014
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