1. ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
    Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader

    Jun 23, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    There has been some questions about what is going to happen with current standing contracts and agreements rolling in ECC 2.0. Especially now that the EcoDollar conversion rate as been released.

    The purpose of this thread is to address your questions regarding contracts/agreements, the money you're owed, and how Staff and Administration will be enforcing current contracts.

    Owed EcoDollar Amounts:
    If you have a current contract with a user and EcoDollars are owed, when we launch ECC 2.0 all pre-reset contracts with outstanding debt will be enforced at a 100:1 ratio.
    This means that if a user owes you 5 million ECD on a contract, we will now only enforce 50k.

    Why?: Even if you were to receive the ECD from the contract before the reset, your ECD is still subject to the conversion rate, there is absolutely no reason to enforce anything different than what your ECD is actually worth post-reset.

    Town Contracts:
    Any contracts regarding towns for the current Main servers (Main/MainNorth/MainEast) will become obsolete upon the ECC 2.0 Launch.
    Town contracts will not carry over to ECC 2.0. We will begin anew with town contracts with new towns.
    If you do have active contracts that allow you to transfer a town into your name officially, I suggest you get that done before Sunday.
    Spawntown contracts regarding the new spawntowns for ECC 2.0 will be enforced.

    VMR/Skyblock Contracts:

    We will continue to enforce Skyblock and VMR contracts through the reset, however keep in mind the agreed upon EcoDollar amounts in these contracts will be enforced at the 100:1 conversion rate.

    ECC 2.0 Grace Period:

    While we are continuing to enforce some pre-reset contracts we have decided to implement a grace period, in light of the reset and understanding it will take some time for some users to get set up and get going.
    ECC Staff will not be acting on any default of pre-reset agreements for the first 2 weeks(14 days) of the ECC 2.0 launch.
    Keep in mind, this is not a rescheduling of due dates, your due dates will still apply. We simply will not be accepting complaints for contract breach/defaults for 2 weeks. If you adhere to the terms of your contract before this grace period is finished then you're fine.

    This grace period does not apply to any new contracts/agreements made after the ECC 2.0 launch. Those will proceed as normal.

    Feel free to ask any questions below.
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