
What rank shall I buy?

  1. Resident

  2. Pilot

  3. Survivor

    0 vote(s)
  1. vampire_DBR9 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Aug 25, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I am a new on Eco city so I have to raise so money to purchase resident/ above.
    Currently I have only 5k to show for 3 weeks worth of work!

    Plz donate to me- any donations appreciated!
    Just 500 is a lot to me

    Thank you for reading this
  2. donkey5k •| The Legendary Donkey |•
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 14, 2013
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  3. goblizz The One and Only
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2013
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    I accidently voted for Pilot, but meant Resident.

    Good luck on your journey in ECC!
  4. Pellagia Ecoleader
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 23, 2012
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    Moved --> For Sale
  5. EraNow President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 21, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I see you're a resident, however, I think I can help you out with your money making strategy.

    I see you've spent three weeks, only to come up with $5,000. Our server is a "hardcore economy", however, that doesn't make it impossible. There are several ways to make well over that in an hour, and shouldn't take too many hours of work to get the proper equipment.

    Pumpkin Farming:

    Best tool: Eff 5 Unb 3 axe (15k)

    Yes, 15k seems like it might be a lot of money for you. However, keep doing what you're doing to put the dollars together, like you did to rank up, and eventually you'll have yourself a pumpkin axe. With this axe, you'll also want to buy what's called farm perms. Essentially, players make 200x200 towns in to giant farms, and players can buy access to those farms. Farm perms are very cheap, and you can sometimes get them on a payment plan. The only down side to this is it gets fairly annoying and boring.


    Best tool: Eff 5 Unb 3 Fort 3 pick (20k)

    Mining falls under the "high risk, high reward" category. There is a lot of danger with mining, and without donations, it can be very easy to lose your items. If you do choose to go mining, I would highly suggest making sure you have around 40k to spend. You'll need Protection 4 armor, Fire Protection 4 armor, and Falling Feather 4 on the boots. Ontop of this armor, you'll need the pick in order to be truly successful while mining. Despite the high cost for getting started, taking this route can leave you at a nice profit of about $10,000 an hour, if you mine in the mining world.

    I started off my ECC career farming. I made lots of money, and eventually, I stepped up to mining. I'd highly suggest doing the same, it will lead you on the path to success, and hopefully one day, I'll join you as an Eco-Legend :)
  6. Eros_Dynami Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 30, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    @vampire_DBR9 How is it that 5k is a lot to you, yet you only just said on a different thread that you were recently paid "only" 200k for a star rod, melon sword, and a pumpkin axe. You also mentioned how you have been playing for four weeks on the other thread, here you mention only three. The evidence is quite clear now, admit that you lied Mr. Vampire. Do it now before you further taint your reputation with childish lies and tales beyond the conceivable possibilities of reality.

    This is a good server. Furthermore, this server has great forum activity. Don't taint the minds of others, or waste the time of quality players with your obscure, "flip-flop" stories.

    As for money making, go mining man. That was the first thing I did when I joined the server. Go to the mining world (the portal can be located at /spawn) and start digging. Grab one stack of unaltered wood, a couple torches, a stone pickaxe and go to town. While mining, you can smelt the iron you get and make more pickaxes. Don't focus on making money this early in the game. Focus on hoarding things. Make a goal such as filling a double chest full of red stone dust and coal. Keep all your other findings as treasures of your travels. Once you've filled your double chest, use /sell hand to sell all of those items to the server (referencing the red stone dust and coal). With that, you will have gained enough money and exp to buy, or possibly enchant your very own pumpkin axe! With that, find someone with a kind heart to give you perms to a large pumpkin farm (might cost money, but so worth it). After that, the possibilities are endless for the beginning player. You will be making approximately 6.8-7k an hour. With that you can easily save for resident no problem.

    Once you have resident and your goals have become ever loftier to obtain your very own town, use my simple saving method. Get some property in someone's town and get a house. Set one obsidian block down, place a sign on it and use it to store money. The way I like to think of it is: 'The 10k a day Challenge!" Literally make 10k ($10,000 eco dollars) a day and put it into the sign. Set that money there and forget about it until it's time to make a deposit. Any additional money you make can be spent anywhere you like! If you enjoy playing lotto, play it with any extra money you make that day, same for casinos. Want better armor and tools? Start a new sign with the same format and only put 1k in it. The key is to make sure you get to spend money on what you want while still striving for higher goals. Just think, a few days after getting your pumpkin axe you can be a mayor with your own town!

    I really want to help you, but please don't lie anymore. It hurts me to see potential for the server's future going down the drain with new members.

    EDIT: Sorry, didn't notice you ranked up to Resident, congratulations.
    #6 Eros_Dynami, Aug 27, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014