1. ChargerBoltz5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 30, 2014
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    I sat down at my laptop on a day in February. The screen glowed, and I moved my mouse to a small icon to my desktop labeled "minecraft.exe." The school day was done, and the perfect opportunity had arrived - with a brand new market shop waiting for me to build, I could relieve my brain from another taxing school day. Fifteen minutes were gone, thirty, forty-five.

    I heard the voice from the kitchen.

    "Richard? Rick, come here, please."

    My name isn't Rick, but let's assume it is for the purpose of this thread.


    I hastily pressed the escape key, and reluctantly spun out from my swivel-chair. Before I knew it, I had dishes in the kitchen to take care of, some boring, rather monotonous homework to complete before the day's end, and a pixelated computer game known as Minecraft snatched out of my reach until further notice, for failure to complete such tasks on a repeated basis.

    Now I consider myself an honest kid. I upheld the request, and I would go on and get back to real life - things had to be done, and a bit of real fun had to be achieved. And like this, time passed without a little computer game for a month or two. Life was like it was before - I got things done in a timely fashion, I had some fun with friends, I no longer had an addiction to the time-killer, fun-generator, outstandingly perfect game we call EcoCityCraft.


    The weeks continued to pass, and summer came within reach. EcoCityCraft was back, and my good friends (@goblizz @oRON647 @SEAHAWKES) and I had some big plans for the upcoming weeks known as summer break. Towns were sitting, waiting to be completed; star tools, spawn shops, survival games, and more awaited. Between the weeks during which one of us wasn't prancing around in the outside world, we wanted to commit and morph at least a handful of our wildest dreams into reality.

    Summer 2015 came for each of us, as scheduled. Unlike last summer, we were more matured human beings; we had a glassful more of freedom, and a blender-ful of responsibilities, activities, and whatever the world had to offer. We found ourselves on vacations, volunteering, camping, working out at the gym, playing pickup football games. All the while, projects in EcoCityCraft waiting to be completed sat patiently for days, weeks, months. And by the time midsummer rolled around, I realized that this was much unlike the summer of 2014. Although I surely played my favorite computer game often, I had some new priorities, and EcoCityCraft could wait. Gone were the three-hour-long morning Skype calls, during which we would battle our enemies on good ol' Chernobyl 2015; in were mornings of sleeping in, playing an hour of EcoCityCraft on my own, and enjoying life outside with my friends in the afternoon. I found myself no longer going for the sought-after voting coupon, my main source of income. Few were the times where my friends and I would all find time to open up Skype, chat about life, and play our favorite game. EcoCityCraft stood little a chance against the fun that the outside world brought my good friends and I.


    Let's get one thing straight: EcoCityCraft is a great game. There's reasons I have been addicted to it to some degree in the past: there's always something new to work on, and money to be made. The community is kindly to others, led by a staff team of users who get the job done, whatever it may be. I have had great times playing the game, especially with my friends.

    And one more thing: This wasn't all some revelation that I had sitting, staring at the ceiling one day. I didn't just go from a nerd who sat there doing nothing with life but playing Minecraft, to snapping my finger and becoming an extroverted young man who never touched a video game again. No, when EcoCityCraft sucked me in, I still had an outside life; I have since transitioned out of EcoCityCraft, more or less. And I still play EcoCityCraft from time to time; I still have a lineup of in-game goals waiting for me.

    But realistically, will I complete everything? Will I really have the time to sit down, knock some things out, and feel happy with them? Maybe, but I can surely guarantee you that I, for one, am going to be a busy young man in real life in the coming months. And I'll do my best to keep my priorities straight: in a real world, where I am known as Rick, where the outside awaits.

    I'll be continuing my time in high school next year, and one of the best pieces of advice I have learned is to make the most of high school. If you take advantage of opportunities, try something new, you'll have a great time, they say. I took a few harder AP classes this year, but I'm enjoying it. I'm also making more of the clubs I'm a part of. Next year, I have plans to get involved with a couple more clubs, as time allows, and get involved with school leadership. I also want to get to as many of my school's sports games as I can, and mix in a few fun classes along with AP courses. I'm very much looking forward to involving myself more than I am now.

    Outside of school, I have plenty of things going on as well - for the privacy of myself and my friends, I have decided to keep said things undisclosed. Long story short, though, I sure am having a lot of fun.

    My friends and I are sure enjoying our time, too. When we hang out every now and then, no longer do we sit in front of our laptops going on EcoCityCraft marathons for a few hours; instead, we find ourselves at the gym, playing some football, being the weirdos we are. We'll even volunteer sometimes; all four of us have been doing so since we were young, and it is fun working together to accomplish the needs of the community.

    So what about EcoCityCraft? The game that has bedazzled my friends and I time and time again? The land where our stresses can be relieved, going around building, buying, and bringing in the bank?

    Minecraft has its role in my life. For the past two and a half years, it's been my go-to game, whether on the Xbox 360 or on PC. Not only is it a way to stretch my mind more than a typical computer game, it's a way to kill some time with my friends. But as Minecraft has dug out its niche in my life, I have settled into mine on EcoCityCraft. In a world where people call me ChargerBoltz5, I own one town, co-own four others, run a spawnshop, and have won several voting titles. I'm happy with where I am, and the amount I play EcoCityCraft now suits me well.

    Will I still be restocking my spawnshop, building towns, and voting for EcoCityCraft in ten years from now? Five? Three? Probably not. While it is incredibly enjoyable for myself and the hundreds of other players on the server, in the end, it's just a game. Regrettably, there will likely be a day where EcoCityCraft shuts down once and for all. Although I am confident that the tightly knit community will keep it going for years, so that we are one of the last major servers to stay together, there will come a day. And after that day, the game that we have put so much time and energy into will fade into the back of our memories, until we tell our children about the great game we played many years ago.

    But for someone my age, despite the great things EcoCityCraft has to offer, it'll come to an end without leaving a major mark. Think about it - is EcoCityCraft, the game that we all love, adding to your resumé? That's where the vastness of the world around you comes into play. There are literally countless things to do that will impact your future career, relationships, and life in general. EcoCityCraft is fun, but it won't necessarily help you gain the perspective and the experiences that colleges like, job interviewers like, and you will like. And not to sound like "you must be focused on having a perfect future 100% of the time" - well, there's a time for fun and a time for work. Just try one thing new, though, that puts you a bit out of your comfort zone, but you'd be proud to see written on your resumé.

    Perhaps that's joining a club or a sport at school. If you're my age and you plan on college soon, colleges and universities love to see clubs. They help teach you about what you're interested in, or something new you're trying. Plus, the communities and friendships you can form in last eons, and the teamwork and cooperation skills can be used throughout your lifetime.

    Maybe it's getting in shape. @goblizz, @SEAHAWKES and I go to the gym sometimes - not just to get in shape. Sure, you can see yourself get more fit the more you work out, but the gym is a great place to chill and just talk about life.

    Or maybe it's volunteering. No matter what community you live in, there's countless places that could use your help as a volunteer. I've been actively volunteering since I was about ten years old in several different outlets, and the feeling you get helping out others is beyond description. Once again, it's another great way to make some new friends, too.

    Those are just a few things I've done. None of those sound intriguing to you? Ask around! See what some of your friends are doing out there. Maybe even get off of EcoCityCraft for a while - find a good book to read instead. If you're somewhat of an introvert, like me, that's fine. But what's healthier, reading for three hours, or staring at a screen? Perhaps you're more extroverted - see if your friends want to go to the theater and see a movie, play some football, or just goof around. Whatever that may be, go have some fun!

    Nothing sounding good so far? Fair enough. I'll leave you with this though: Challenge yourself to get outside of the box in 2016. Stretch your limits and get outside your comfort zone. Take my word for it when I say it will be very rewarding, not only now, but in the long run. Press the escape key and log off of EcoCityCraft every now and then - it can wait, but the world can't wait for you.

    Now take a moment, log off of EcoCityCraft, exit the forums, because there's places for you to go out there!



    TL,DR: Sorry that this is too long for you, but maybe take a moment to read it? This is probably the most stupidly long thread you've seen in a while, but perhaps doing more than skimming it would be nice.
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  2. ChargerBoltz5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 30, 2014
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    And one last thing - I know this thread is probably most directed towards kids middle-school and high-school age, but I'd appreciate feedback from all shapes and sizes of people :D
    #2 ChargerBoltz5, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  3. SuburbSomeone Shrubby Tycoon
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 9, 2013
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    This was extremely well-written. Thanks for writing it, it really struck a chord with me. :)
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  4. HelixInsight Surgeon
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 1, 2013
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    This does bring about an issue that may need to be self-addressed, myself included. I've learned to put real life over all else, but I hope this reaches others as well. Not to make someone quit, but to allow someone to reprioritize their life.
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    #4 HelixInsight, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  5. Dodos1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 1, 2012
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    I like this, was well written and really made me re-think my priorities. Thank you, @ChargerBoltz5
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  6. oreo1227 ℓαριѕ ℓαzυℓι
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2012
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    I don't usually comment on these "opinion/life" threads. I felt lead to say, I fully understand life can be busy, and I wish you luck on any adventures you may have.

    I also would like to add onto this thread. EcoCityCraft is honestly one of the best things I've ever had happen in my life. I fully get where you're saying life is important, and the part I would like to add is that playing a Minecraft server really can positively affect your life. No I'm not trying to refute this post by saying "no no no play minecraft, live no life". Not the point at all.

    Some aspects of Minecraft really have affected my life. Minecraft has led to me being able to get a job, has helped me become more social, and has taught my leadership skills I may not have learned otherwise.

    Getting my first job was difficult. I had no experience, no "references" no anything to help me get that job. The one thing I did use? My work as a Staff member. Without getting the opportunity to be on Staff, I wouldn't have had a reference.

    As for helping me become more social? I used to be the shyest person ever. Ask anyone who's been on Staff with me since mid 2014. I barely ever talked. Prior to Staff? I rarely talked in global channels. Only talked to a few people. The same went for in real life. I'm not the best at conversation and am not the best at starting any conversation. Being on EcoCityCraft with such a fantastic community such as all of you, I have learned a lot.

    Last one will be short and sweet. Staff helped with learning leadership.

    All in all, should we spend time doing other things than video games? Yes. Should we deprive ourselves from them? No, as you can actually learn quite a bit from them.

    Oh look, I made a long post to go with another long post. woo hoo! Anyway yes.
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  7. HelixInsight Surgeon
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 1, 2013
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    I acknowledge this flip side of the coin, what my comment was trying to get at was the simple balance of real life and virtual play. What you have learned from ECC I can say I have learned as well :)
  8. ChargerBoltz5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Really appreciate your feedback Oreo, and that's one of the things I probably should've hit on more lol... Definitely agree with you here. As long as you keep things in balance gaming is not a "bad thing" as I may have made it seem, and like you said, positives can absolutely come from Minecraft.

    As for everyone else who has replied, thank you all as well, I'm stunned I have so much positive feedback already :eek: really appreciate guys.
  9. AllThingsGo Chun-Li Moderator
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 20, 2014
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    Charger, I too have slipped with this and have unfortunately have been putting Minecraft before real Life lately. I am going to take your advice and re-prioritize in order to make the most of my the second half of my Sophomore, Junior and senior years. Thank you!
  10. surferkev Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 1, 2014
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    I know exactly what you are talking about with this. I realized this about midway through last year. But not only have I found more things to do irl the sever no longer holds my attention like it used to.
  11. Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 15, 2014
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    ECC took over my life for a little while.

    I had a long break from ECC from late 2014 to mid 2015, and I returned in full swing and was very addicted to the server. I'm now winding down and planning on quitting and doing a giveaway in a few months or so, but until then I'd like to have fun. This thread was very well-written and addresses the issues of addiction, but there really aren't consequences to extended gaming time, at least that I've experienced in 5 years of addictive gaming in general. Just keep the fat off and you're good. But it brings up some good points, if you really do have a problem. :)
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  12. steveshizzle Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 18, 2012
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    My most active point of ECC was the summer between my junior and senior year of high school and my least active point was immediately following that summer. Once you get back into things, where you're studying, working, engaging, whatever, the decline in activity comes almost naturally. I write this now in the lobby of the Natural Sciences building of my school where I wait for my Statistics professor to let us in to class. I get on now and then to check if anyone's rated my posts or to see how badly my stocks have dropped (-15k in the past two weeks wtf), and I'll hop onto minecraft during my free time when I'm in a fit of inspiration to build something new on single player.

    This is really well-written. Don't quit doing what you love, but don't live your life through a computer screen. People are great, the world is beautiful, and I want to experience all of it.
  13. knears2000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 3, 2013
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    I'll read this later, but I'm assuming its about prioritization of life and a game.

    I will say, Minecraft itself has definitely changed the way I look and act in life. No one knows I play Minecraft, I would be the last person in the world you would expect to be playing a game like it, and being on ECC and posting this message. You'd probably expect me to be studying for a test because I'm known as one of the most intelligent people in my grade, but you'd also see me playing golf or watching TV. But never would you expect me to be playing Minecraft.

    Minecraft has helped me out a lot. My typing speed has been extremely beneficial to what I do all the time. Write papers and reports, in class during a set amount of time. Without ECC, I would never have been able to achieve writing four page essays, and then getting A's on them because they are so articulate and extensive.

    As well, @UnitedStates2 has probably been the most influential person in my Minecraft life. Never would I have thought I would forge a relationship with someone on a video game. I debate him all the time, and it has shown me how to debate people, as well as become more in touch with today's political system and how to debate effectively. United's influence over me has greatly helped me in that aspect, and should enable me to succeed next year in AP Government.

    I don't really play ECC as much as I used to with 4 honors classes that are extremely demanding. Sure, I hope on now and again. But I hop on to talk to people, and debate United. I know the boundaries between real life and ECC, but I can tell you, when you find that balance, it is one of the best experiences ever.

    Although I see my time on ECC coming to an end in the future, I can tell you for fact, I would never trade this experience for anything. Through thick and thin, the experiences I've gained and the knowledge I've absorbed will help me in life beyond what you would ever imagine. I thank everybody that has helped me, and I wouldn't trade this for anything.
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    #13 knears2000, Jan 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  14. ChargerBoltz5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 30, 2014
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    I very much agree with a lot of this. Rule number one about minecraft: don't talk about minecraft in public. other than my irl friends who also happen to play ECC, pretty much no one knows that I play minecraft :p

    As for what ECC has provided? You're absolutely right. There's a lot of things I have learned from ECC and that's part of why it's such a great game. But as long as you balance that with a real life, like you said, that's when you can really take advantage of what's waiting for you in the world.

    Side note: It's too bad that Minecraft has a reputation of being a game for 7-year-olds :( although ECC is probably one of the generally older/more mature servers out there due to the complexity of the game, it kinda sucks that the general public doesn't really get it and all they see is little kids walking around in creeper t-shirts :/
  15. TheN00BISHPanda Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 1, 2013
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    Don't really play anymore PC games (especially MC, just lost interest for me), CS:GO from time to time when my friends are on, but other than that I play a little bit of Xbox. It's definitely important to have a life outside of your virtual paradise. Go make friends. Go to school. Pay attention in school xP. Be a kid. DONT! I REPEAT! DONT, spend all your spare time on video games, you'll regret later on, just like I did. It was too late, that was how me and my friends hang out, on skype, MC, etc. It's boring, stupid and a waste of time. If your going to be playing video games with your friends while hanging out, at least be playing Xbox in the same room, so you can have face to face conversations. Trust me, eye-contact and being able to communicate with real-life people is a very important skill. I regret making "hanging out with friends" playing Xbox at my house while cracking jokes and talking. Sure it's fun from time to time. But you need to be outside, exploring, riding bikes, grabbing lunch and going to the beach (maybe getting in trouble, idk you (; ). Sorry for the rant, I just think having a life outside of computer games is very important. ALSO, school first kids!! :pP (as I am on the computer typing this while waiting last minute to study for finals and finishing an analysis assignment at almost 10pm while I have had almost 11 hours to do it today and 2 weeks to do it earlier #goodstudentnoobish :)
  16. ChargerBoltz5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Procrastination FTW
  17. TheN00BISHPanda Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 1, 2013
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    Story of my life.
  18. a18greek18 Former EcoLeader
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 19, 2012
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    Tl;Dr stop playing ECC so much and enjoy what the world has to offer.
    #18 a18greek18, Jan 22, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  19. ChargerBoltz5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 30, 2014
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    A strapping young lad named goblizz said I should bump this.
  20. ChargerBoltz5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Bump for relevancy as many of ECC's players enter spring break. Get some work done, and have some fun, outside of ECC with all this time on your hands! :p