~ Edge Loans ~

Discussion in 'Classifieds & Ads' started by zevzero, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. zevzero

    zevzero Member
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 21, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    Edge Loans
    We're here to help!

    Welcome to Edge Loans!
    We give out loans to trusted players to help them out
    with their financial matters! We loan players money to
    buy features, pay off plans in advance, and more!

    Need a loan?
    Simply copy the format below and reply to this thread
    Name: ZevZero
    Rank: Tycoon
    Amount Requested: 200k
    Weeks Requested: 2 Weeks
    Reason of Loan: Buying an Elytra
    Amount Donated to ECC: $250
    Have you been banned for loan scamming? Nope
    Do you agree to the rules? Yes
    Before you apply for a loan, please read the rules:
    **If you have loan scammed in the past, you may be denied.**
    If you have scammed Edge Loans, you will be banned from this thread.**
    If you are denied, do NOT complain about it here. Feel free to message me on the forums and tell me why you think you should get the loan.**
    If you are late on paying a loan, you MUST pay additional late fees.**
    If you fail to pay back a loan, I have the right to file a complaint on you.**
    **Do NOT lie in your application.
    Troll applications/irrelevant posts will be reported.**

    After you apply, I will look over your application.
    If you get accepted, and are online, I will pay you

    in-game and you'll get your money right away.
    If you are offline, I will make a contract for the loan,
    and you'll get the money as soon as it's accepted.

    **Money Available: $80,000**
    Money Being Loaned: $300,000**

    @LegoJake62 owes $350,000 by November 16

    #1 zevzero, Nov 2, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016