Falling Waters LLC

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Towns/Nations & Evictions.' started by Qohonez, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Qohonez

    Qohonez The One And Only!
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    This is the [Official Thread] for Falling Waters LLC (Tree Farm)

    Here you will be able to find all the required information for our Tree Farm.
    Owner: Qohonez | Co-Owner: OK5698

    We are currently selling perms now! If either @Qohonez or @OK5698 are not on the server feel free to Forum PM us or /Mail in game. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. NOTE: No payment plans are being accepted at this time.

    Current Perm Holders - 0/10 Total
    Perm cost as of 10/1/2017 - 60k*
    1 -
    2 -
    3 -
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    5 -
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    10 -

    Evicted Members

    Banned Members


    Party Access
    Take advantage of shared mcmmo to speed up the process of maxing out your woodcutting! I have mcmmo bonuses and am more than willing to help new members kick start mcmmo levels.

    Tree Farm (Currently 100 x 200 x 1).
    Work is ongoing here. /Warp FallingWaters
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    - We have a personal shop you can access. Just follow the quartz slabs!
    - We have a cabin where you can purchase additional saplings if you happen to run out. Don't worry, we don't profit off this. We understand how annoying it is when you run out of saplings.
    - Free E-Reps. (
    Tips accepted)

    - I will be using the money generated from perm sales to further expand the farm(s). We also farm perms available for sale at Farmzille. Forum PM @OK5698 for more details.

    Application Format
    (Must be completed even in the event of purchasing perms from a current holder).

    IGN -
    Time On Server -
    Previous Bans (Provide brief details) -
    Would you be interested in working on future projects? (Yes or No) -
    Do you agree to the General Rules set out below? (I agree or I disagree) -

    General Rules
    You will be added as a "member" which is strictly for farming trees (within the farm) and planting saplings.

    1) You are not permitted to add or remove owners.

    2) You must make sure anything you have farmed is replanted prior to logging off. Farm is checked daily.

    3) You are not permitted to add or remove any blocks other than what you are farming.

    4) You accept that I reserve the right to evict anyone who is banned from the server for any reason.

    5) You will loose perms if your account is inactive for two weeks.

    6) Breaching any of the above rules will make you eligible for eviction and by submitting your application it is understood that you agree to these rules.

    * - If you're banned for any reason you will lose all perms!
    * - All perm sales are final!
    * - It is your responsibility to keep up-to-date with this forum post as rules/costs are subject to change at any time.
    * - By applying you're agreeing to any and all future rules set forth.
    #1 Qohonez, Oct 5, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017