[User Complaint] @CJZ2016

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by Ladyvamptress, May 2, 2018.

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  1. Ladyvamptress

    Ladyvamptress Bloodlust Ex-EcoLegend
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    Jul 26, 2014
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    Accused Username:
    Feb. 18, 2018 - User rented my Star Rod for a day (rental agreement below).

    Feb. 19, 2018 - I was tagged in a thread CJZ2016 started about the Star Rod despawning. It was confirmed by an SA that the rod actually broke.

    Feb. 21, 2018 - I forum messaged CJZ2016 to talk about the situation and asked him what he was going to do as he could pay me what I paid for the tool, or try and find one cheaper he could buy to replace the tool. He said he wanted to try and replace the tool (+ pay $150k compensation fee).

    March 9, 2018 - CJZ2016 informed me that he was able to finally get a Star Rod on a payment plan. He told me that the rod would not be paid off by April 19, 2018 (his due date), but that he might have the $150k compensation fee. I told him that if he needed to extend his due date, I could work with him, to just get in touch with me around the first week of April and let me know how he's doing and we can see where we stand at that point.

    April 7, 2018 - Since I hadn't heard from him, I forum messaged him. I asked how things were and basically put the option out there that I could either extend his due date or he could return the tool and just pay me the money... which I offered to lower to $650k + $150k ($800k). He explained that he owes $950k for the rod, he's paid $200k off already, and his payments were only $50k a week. He said he wanted to continue with what he had been doing and would need to extend his due date. I asked him how much longer he needed and even asked if we could set up a payment plan for the $150k, but he never answered me, so I couldn't move forward at that time.

    April 24, 2018 - I hadn't heard anything from CJZ2016, so I messaged him and explained that his due date had passed and I can't do anything else, that he left me hanging and if he's not going to communicate with me, I needed to file a complaint.

    April 25, 2018 - CJZ2016 replied and after asking him again how he wanted things set up, he just asked for the due date to be extended by a month and a half. I set up the contract, even messaged him that it was up with a link to it, but he didn't get a chance to come in and agree before a mod closed it.

    April 28, 2018 - The previous contract was denied and closed, so CJZ2016 asked me to re-post it. I did and again he didn't come in and agree, so it was closed by a mod too.

    Overall: CJZ2016 broke my star rod and had 2 months to replace the tool (and pay the $150k compensation fee), but needed more time, I was willing to give him more time, but apparently he was too busy to even agree to the contract which extends his due date. This complaint is a last ditch effort. If he needs more time, we need to agree on it here, if not, then he can appeal when he's not so busy.
    Rental Agreement:


    The 2 contracts that were denied (if this is needed):

    Additional Information:
    As much as I didn't want to do this, something needs to happen so this situation can move forward.
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  2. Zedoker

    Zedoker ~|Huggable Ex-GameAdmin & Ex-Tomkfc Lover|~
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    Feb 17, 2013
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    @CJZ2016 Can you please explain the status of where the star rod and the compensation fee is at? Since this involves a star rod and quite a fair bit of money (combined with missing 2 contracts and being busy), I'll give you 36 hours to respond before I take action.

    In the meantime, @Ladyvamptress can you please add me to forum conversation(s) that you had with cjz so I can see what was said for myself? Thanks!

    Left Open for 36 Hours
  3. Ladyvamptress

    Ladyvamptress Bloodlust Ex-EcoLegend
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    Jul 26, 2014
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  4. SteelersFan1965

    SteelersFan1965 Builder
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    Apr 16, 2017
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    Dude like I told @Ladyvamptress , I cant pay this off right away. I really am sorry that I missed these last few contracts, but thats all said and done and I cant do anything about it. I am paying this star rod off with apple, then I can give the rod to Lady(apple can confirm this) and still have a while til this is paid off. The total fee for this is a freaking 900k, and I just don't have that money in my pocket. Like I said to Lady(even though its not much of an excuse) things have been very crazy with school and stuff. I cant get on as much as I'd like anymore
    #4 SteelersFan1965, May 2, 2018
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
  5. Ladyvamptress

    Ladyvamptress Bloodlust Ex-EcoLegend
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 26, 2014
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    And as I told you, you can’t leave things open ended with me. I have understood for a month now that you needed more time and for a month I have been chasing you down trying to hassle you to extend your due date... it should have been the other way around! For example, I have seen you on the forum a couple times since the last contract was closed, but you didn’t bother to respond to my message until this complaint was filed.

    Anyways, you asked me for a month and a half extension. I was blindly going to do it, just so you had more time to pay everything off, but since both contracts got closed, it gave me time to think. So you told me that you owe $950k on the star rod, but pay $50k a week. About a month ago you said you had paid off $200k. Let’s assume you are still on that path and have since paid off another $200k, meaning currently you owe $550k right now. At the rate of $50k a week, it would take you not 6 weeks (as you have asked me to extend your due date by), but 11 weeks. This is not including the time to get Apple on to do the own transfer or even the $150k you owe me. So what good would extending your due date by 6 weeks do? Seems like it’s just a ploy to buy you more time.

    So here is what I want to happen. I want you to present me with a reasonable due date, one that you believe you can pay the rod off by and have it ready for me to /own. If it’s an extra 3 months, then so be it, but!... I also want some sort of weekly payment schedule set up for the $150k you owe me. I know back in March I said not to worry about paying me that yet, to focus on paying the rod off, but it’s now May and after 2 and a half months I feel you’ve made no progress with me. So you tell me what you need the new due date for the rod to be and what kind of payment schedule you can do for the $150k and we will go from there.

    I also want to remind you, I did make you an offer that you turned down... which was you’d owe me a total of $800k ($650k for the rod + $150k compensation fee) and I’d accept $50k a week payments. I did encourage you to talk to Apple and see if you could return the rod and get the money back you’ve already paid. Doing this could have left you only paying $800k to me instead of $1.1m to both me and Apple. This offer can still happen, if you want to try and get in touch with Apple about the rod and seeing if he’d give you a full refund.

    All I’ve ever tried to do is help you out and in return I just wanted you to communicate with me and put our new deal in writing.
    #5 Ladyvamptress, May 2, 2018
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
  6. Zedoker

    Zedoker ~|Huggable Ex-GameAdmin & Ex-Tomkfc Lover|~
    ECC Sponsor Tycoon ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 17, 2013
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    @CJZ2016 Does any of the above sound reasonable? Either giving it back to apple and only owing 650k or continuing payment (but updating more often). This has been open for more than 2 days and I think we'd all want this to be resolved soon. I'll give you 24 hours to respond.
  7. Zedoker

    Zedoker ~|Huggable Ex-GameAdmin & Ex-Tomkfc Lover|~
    ECC Sponsor Tycoon ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 17, 2013
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    Seeing how the 24 hour period has expired by quite a bit, I'm going to do this:
    I'm going to be issuing a ban to @CJZ2016
    In the appeal, a more official payment plan will be developed in order to avoid any sort of confusion to what is due when, because I feel as though all of this confusion is because there is a lack of set dates. The user has also been offline for 20+ days on both skyblock and main server, so I'm doubtful of any progress on the payment.
    @appleprocucling I will be tagging you to alert you to this, seeing how your star rod is currently being used.

    @Ladyvamptress tagging you to notify you of this complaint being resolved. This will be continued if cjz plans to appeal, where a more appropriate payment plan can be made.

    Locked. User Banned for Breach of Contract.
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