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  1. Greg928u Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 8, 2016
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    So a while ago, I filed a complaint because tooHD scammed me on a loan. He was banned, but after a while, he appealed and now hes unbanned. However, he appealed via PM so I'm not sure how/when @tooHD will pay me back.
    My complaint:
    Ban appeal of @tooHD :
    Note that at the bottom of the ban appeal Jamie tells him to appeal privately.
    Additional Information:
    I know this really isn't a complaint, but Jamie told me to write a complaint.
  2. ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
    Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader

    Jun 23, 2014
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    Since a few users had loans and such owed to them from tooHD I think I'm going to go ahead and do a compilation and draw up some due dates here. I'm not going to force everyone to refile when they told their agreements would be held if he appealed.
    @tooHD you will receive a standard $15k/day schedule, and this complaint will serve as your official schedule. If you do not meet your dates you will be held accountable and users will be able to file complaints on you. Consider this exactly what we would have done had you appealed publicly.
    You are 2.5mill in debt. Since you are unbanned and your reason was loan scamming you STILL owe this money.
    You owe:
    $340k to @travellord
    $190k to @Reincarnated_
    $250k to @TJanicki
    $275k to @Greg928u
    You will also finish paying off the eff7 that you bought from @LJKAzrael or get him a new one, since it is lost and you cannot return it. LJK indicated that you were due 3 payments + 2 weeks of late fees at the time the complaint was posted, which means you paid nothing except the down payment. You owe 1.44mill(1,440,000) or a new eff7.

    Your debt schedule.
    $340k due to @travellord by November 16th, 2016(You've been banned for this loan twice now, I suggest you pay that first)
    $190k due to @Reincarnated_ by November 29th, 2016
    $250k due to @TJanicki by December 16th, 2016
    $275k due to @Greg928u January 4th, 2017
    You will either pay @LJKAzrael in full cash($1,440,000) for the eff7 he lost, or get him a new eff7 since he stated he wanted to reclaim the one you attempted to buy from him but it was lost. This needs to be done by April 10th, 2017
    If any of your debtee are inactive you need to hang onto the money you owe them until they return.

    I suggest to you that you pay your debts, this is not your first time scamming.
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