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    no that first part is a misunderstanding i mean staff should be advertising AEM to other people to like spread the word.

    If the second part is true than explain how AEM was so successful before.... first AEM I was not part of but I have seen many videos and it seemed so fun. Second AEM I joined invite by a friend who is now ban for a unlegit reason was also a huge success, even at midnight more people where on than currently at any given time. Staff where nice and play full such as acookiegod, taco, wombat bigiesk. Don't get me wrong current staff aren't bad but they aren't as play full as the old one where. I am not trying to fire shots at the new staff currently but facts are facts. Old staff= more players less bugs new staff + 1.8= less players more bugs. Bugs include the leader bored the pets in the hub and I cant get into something I payed over $200 dollars for (factions)

    Third point most of them cannot appeal because when you do get ban for staff disrespect they usually get ban on the forums as well.


    ps. pls dont think that I am arguing I am just being an advocate for the people that have been ban on the forums
  2. Joined:
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    I don't think you know what you're talking about, don't get me wrong, some points you are making do make sense, others not so much. With your
    comment. Do you realize that servers need to be updated, and old staff have left / dismissed for legitimate reasons. Therefore this doesnt make sense to me.
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    I do not see where either of us are going in this discussion I would to end it here because if we keep on going this might be locked and I do not want this to be locked @GiRLCLAN
  4. Joined:
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    Okay listen.

    FIRST, Do you actually think that making a thread on a website about a player getting unbanned for the 12th time and using a hashtag to start drama on a server that doesn't use '#' will get you anywhere?

    SECOND, Your friends have all been banned for legit reasons, on some servers you can tell someone to f*@k off etc but here you can't. This server is targeted for younger players and has a family friendly player base and parents should feel 100% comfortable letting their young ones play on here un supervised.

    THIRD, He wasn't banned for just trolling as you stated in your first paragraph. This shows you're doing this for a reaction by only putting in the facts in which you want to let people know. He was banned for "Constant trolling & server disrespect" coming online and being rude to staff and saying about how the server is 'soo dead' is going to get you no where. If the server is so bad why come on at all? I know myself would never go onto a server i dont like....

    FOURTH, STAFF CAN'T FIX THESE BUGS. "Old staff=more players less bugs, New staff less players more bugs"
    Staff have ZERO control over these bugs? as an admin am I suppose to just hop onto the control panel and fix all the problems that you have? No thats stupid and unrealistic, in an ideal world all the people that CAN fix the problems would be granted access etc but it doesn't work like that. We have to wait and be patient for things to happen because the owner is busy, so the 'New staff' do what we can do to keep the server going in the meantime.

    FIFTH, He didn't donate $3000 are you stupid?

    Im locking this thread.
    You made it to get your friend unbanned but in fact its made it a lot worse for him.

    If the server is that bad @Ricky Zheng 012 Leave, no one will notice you're gone

    #24 Tree_Killer_, Aug 4, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
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