100k GIVEAWAY: what makes you proud of being human?

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Expipiplusone, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. SionainnSun

    SionainnSun Mayor
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    Apr 3, 2016
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    I don't know if there have been enough posts between my first one and this one, but I want to get this one posted too, and I'm not sure how long you're running this contest :p If there weren't enough, just disregard this one lol. So, on to the actual important part!

    I am proud of the invention of music--any kind of music, any language, etc. Just music in general.
    No other species has anything quite like it. Music is the international language of grief, joy, pain, love. Thanks to music, people can express emotions that are normally too complex to put into words. Without music, people would have no way to express their emotions so openly. Poetry and the written word come close, but nothing can quite replicate the emotion hidden behind a musical performance. Not only that, but music literally saves lives. People can be trapped in dark places, alone and thinking there's no way out, and music can be the only thing that saves them. The person who is trapped hears a song that shows that someone else has felt what they are feeling, and that they got through it. They begin to feel hope again: maybe they'll be okay. Maybe not now, but someday. More than anything, music showcases humanity, making me more proud than ever to be part of it. In songs, artist pour out their souls: their flaws, their mistakes, their regrets. They take the ugly things in their lives and turn them into something beautiful. Music has the unique ability to inspire, comfort, empathize, and absolve. For all of these reasons, music and its abilities make me proud of humanity.
    #21 SionainnSun, Jun 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  2. FPBagel

    FPBagel Builder
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    Jun 20, 2016
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    My favorite part of being human is how we all are willing to be there for each other. If I was going through a break up right now, and posted a thread about it; sure, there'd be a few bad apples in the bunch but a majority of the people posting on that thread would be there for me. They would be complete strangers, but they would still ask if I was okay and figure out a way to make me feel better. What makes me proud to be human is the compassion we have for one another.
  3. LTPfiredemon

    LTPfiredemon Builder
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    Jun 16, 2013
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    I am proud of being human because I get to live here with so many wondrous people.

    To elaborate, I am proud of being a human and living on this earth as I feel the thing most worth living for is simple observation of what man can do. Everyday I walk around in constant amazement of what humanity has accomplished through technical and imaginative prowess. As I stroll the uptown area of my beautiful city I see street artists and artists everywhere I look, filling the soulless solace of an industrial world dominated by capitalism and big business, making music, performing their acts, drawing and many other things just because they enjoy it and want to make other people happy. When I see someone expressing their creativity and imagination to any extent I can't help but feel a sense of wonderment that even though there's so many bad things happening, that these people are still living, breathing, laughing, crying, and everything in-between just to be alive, their own lives being so small yet so miraculous. I feel that anyone that pursues their passions in any field makes me proud to be considered part of the same race as them, the fact that I could even be in the same league as someone that just wants to share their own happiness and passion with the world is what makes me proud. I like to know that I can do the same, it makes me WANT to do the same, through their simple actions of doing whatever creative endeavors they enjoy, they inspire others such as myself to create and it's wonderous, it's amazing, it's simply my favourite thing on this planet and I cannot believe that there are so many people on this Earth that can get passed the bad things in their lives and go on to create and inspire others. So, in conclusion, I am proud of being human because of everyone else that's proud to be human, I believe that whatever makes life worth it for others is what makes it for me too, I just want to help inspire others and create alongside them through this crazy journey we're all on that we call life.
    #23 LTPfiredemon, Jun 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  4. heartcloud

    heartcloud Builder
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    Jun 9, 2016
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    I'm proud to be a human because we have created beautiful cultures.

    Throughout history, we as humans have grown into fantastic, unique art creators. Cultures everywhere from every country has grown to be an individual, truly unique place, and that makes the world beautiful, at least in my eyes. From different types of food, to lovely music, to fantastic art pieces and exhibits, there's always something new and great to see; something interesting and eye catching, that a human has created. Honestly, if the art created from the caveman ages to now wasn't here, the world we all share together wouldn't have that touch that makes it so great; it'd just be a ball of grass and water, and while it may be pure and untouched, it has nothing truly special to give. Humans are what made the world what it is today; a world that, while impure, is truly beautiful and amazing because of our thoughts...our ideas...our work...

    ...That's why I'm so proud to be a human.
  5. WarpDatCat

    WarpDatCat Builder
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    Jun 17, 2016
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    I am proud to be a human because of the evolution of technology.

    After years of dreaming of the future - flying cars and all - we have made our first large breakthrough. You take this small ambition and put it into action, and you get something truly magnificent! Touch screen phones, tablets, and so much more! And to think, Minecraft is only just a small part in all of this! Because of technology, we are more connected with our friends and family! To people who believe technology tears us apart, here is why i disagree. Instead of waiting to see your friend in person to ask to hang out, you can easily text or call them. Parents are kinda paranoid about letting their kids rome around by themselves or even with a friend, especially now-a-days! But with future now hanging within your reach, you can play video games and chat with your friends even without having them be in the same room as you. To be a human, is a truly wonderful thing to be. Because I’m a human, I get to have a taste of the future and live out my life to the fullest. All in all, Technology is an amazing thing that we get to use everyday, whether we will use it to watch entertaining videos, look up a tutorial, or have fun hang out with friends.
    #25 WarpDatCat, Jun 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  6. ZHGI

    ZHGI Builder
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    Jun 10, 2016
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    I'm proud of being human because of our incredible intellect
    Despite the the nature's law, "Survival of the fittest", we are still here. We know that we're physically weak against the beasts in our world but we managed to survived and to rule this world because of our intellect which fascinates me until this time.
  7. Chiblin

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Im proud to be a human because of our ability think.
    When we hit hard times we hit them back with a stronger force we are smart. When i hit a bumb today (My Ban) I thought why why and i accted quickly all do to the ability to think. Are brains can tell whn people dont know whta they are doing . When we do somthing u regret ur mind thinks about what u can do to make ammneds U need to think to make this messge Brains think 4 lifr
  8. TunefulThespian

    TunefulThespian Builder
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    Jun 19, 2016
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    I am proud to be a member of the human race because of our vast accomplishments in the studies of the brain's logical and creative hemispheres, and how important one is to the other. Given, there are many other feats that have been achieved by humankind, but I would like to focus on this one. I am a lover and student of the performing arts. Not academically, but as a student in the basic sense. I continue to study performances and participate in productions because I am always learning new things. I have learned from my years in musical theatre that singing, dancing, and acting all require usage of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The left brain uses memorization and problem-solving functions for scenarios such as learning lines and blocking, learning choreography, and calculating the amount of time assigned for each individual action, whether it be how long to drag out a certain movement, or when to dodge a chair being thrown from behind you (happened to me once), or making sure to land a cutoff at the end of a song for that 'sting' effect. The right brain uses emotional expression and empathy to get the performer to connect on an intimate level with their scene partner and the audience, so that they can evoke stronger emotional reactions in the audience and their scene partners. If both performers are proficient enough in this art and science, they can each feed off of the other's increased emotions and create more emotion for the other to feed off of. This creates a cycle that, if done correctly, can turn a good show into an unforgettable performance. The right hemisphere is also used when singing or dancing, in order to make the movement have the right 'feeling'. Sometimes, if the dance doesn't have the right feeling, it can throw off the mood of the scene. The combination of (expressing oneself and sharing one's soul so openly with everyone else) mixed with (knowing the precise time certain actions are supposed to be executed because the material was memorized) can greatly save a show when things go wrong, in situations of 'improvisation'. I have had many a show when something takes a turn for the worse in a scene. The reflexive problem-solving function, mixed with maintaining emotional expression (referred to as not breaking character) can pick the scene back up as if nothing had happened. In the same sense of logic and creativity working together, this is the reason that I am proud to be a member of the human race. Also, if someone ever says that theatre is easy to do and doesn't take talent and skill, or that acting isn't a real job, then they don't really know how hard it actually is. Show them this; I'm sure it will elaborate for them a bit.
  9. a_man21

    a_man21 a_manda
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    Jan 6, 2015
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    I am proud to be human because of all the advances in medicine we have made.

    I am proud that for nearly every single illness or ailment that can affect the human race, there is either a cure or a treatment to slow the advances of it. I have type 1 diabetes, and without the discovery of insulin in the 1920s, I would have died a slow and painful death when I was diagnosed at age 7. In addition to this, my mom beat breast cancer several years ago, and without today's medical advancements, she would have died at a young age as well. I have participated in several clinical trials towards better treatment and eventually a cure for type 1 diabetes, and it has shown me how far the human race has come in the advancement of medicine.
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    #29 a_man21, Jun 22, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  10. Expipiplusone

    Expipiplusone Builder
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    Sep 13, 2014
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    Despite my announcement from two days ago, I decided to keep this contest open for a few more days. All those who submitted can take advantage of the time to make corrections!
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    #30 Expipiplusone, Jun 22, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  11. kevinwelch2001

    kevinwelch2001 Builder
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    Sep 2, 2015
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    To:dr Im proud to be human because elon musk. That guy is a legend. He started a rocket company and docked with the iss. Good game elon gg elon
  12. TheTexasPlayer

    TheTexasPlayer Builder
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    Sep 2, 2013
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    I am proud to be a human because of the many times I feel the love and compassion of my family members through their everyday selfless acts to benefit me and my community so that I have the life I desire. I am proud for the fact that my family and the families around this earth take initive to help and better the world around us so that the next generation can live more happy and prosperous lives than the one before it. I am proud that as a species we love and care for another even after one of our own vows against us in a deadly terror attack. That we come together and fight for peace, love and happiness. I am proud to be a human because we take care of the elders who have done so to us for many years. These are the things that make me proud to be a Human. And should make you proud as well!
  13. rabidworm

    rabidworm Super Waffle!
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    Mar 11, 2012
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  14. INeedTheBucket

    INeedTheBucket Resident
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    This is why, quote the youtube channel Thoughty2. "you may feel bad because you don't have any of these cool abilities from the animal kingdom, but to make yourself feel better, do this. grab your Ipod, play the music very loudly, and look at your hampster and tell him he cant have a go, because he's stupid."
  15. 0TheRedHerring0

    0TheRedHerring0 President
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    Jun 2, 2013
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    The discovery of the higgs boson on July 4th, 2012 at CERN makes me proud to be a human. Firstly the large hadron collider is a collaboration between nations unlike any other in human history. Over 10,000 scientists from over 100 countries around the world. The need to process data from CERN experiments lead to the creation of the world wide web, enabling me to enter your contest. CERN's director general is now a woman, which represents a major step forward for women in science. The machine is the most complex ever created. The tunnels are 26,000 meters in circumference. The particles are bent by 9300 electromagnets, cooled to just 1.4K above absolute zero. The tunnels don't stay cool for long, the collisions (between particles moving 99.999% of the speed of light) produce heat 100,000 times hotter than the core of the sun. Yet somehow in all of that we were able to detect a particle that exists for less than one thousandth of one billionth of one billionth of a second (by measuring interactions of the bosons decay products). The higgs completed our current understanding of particle physics, the standard model. The higgs can help us better understand the nature of the universe and its fate. It can help us understand why certain symmetries exist and are broken, why some forces are strong and some are weak. The continued discoveries of the experiments at the LHC could break down the standard model and help us build a more complete understanding of the universe and everything in it. As an aspiring physicist, I can't wait to join in the fun at Switzerland and help change our view of the universe and our place in it.

    But I still have three years of undergrad, many years of grad school to get my doctorate, and years of post doc fellowships before I can start to get involved, so I will stick with dumb computer games for now.

    I hope you enjoy reading my essay as much as I enjoyed writing it.
  16. TheBoneyButcher

    TheBoneyButcher Builder
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    Jun 12, 2014
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    What makes you proud of being human?

    I am Proud of being human because of all the things my father has done to make me great. My father is the hardest working person I've ever known. He built his business from scratch and now he is one of the most influential people in the city. I remember when I was in middle school, my mom told me, for the first time, the story of how my father became a successful owner of a drink company he is now. When I was still a baby, my father sold our house which was a gift from my grandfather to use it to build his business. We moved to a smaller house on the outskirts of town while he worked from dusk to dawn, coming home with the strong smell of sugar and orange. At first, the company wasn't doing so well, but he didn't give up and kept trying. Finally, after one year, his business started to turn better. The company expanded, and his brand became widely known. Now, even though his company is stable and doing very well, he still keeps on working hard inventing new products.
    I'm very proud of my father. He is hard working yet simple. He never brags about his success and he always stays down to earth. He is my sole motivation for working hard at school and my guide to socialize in the community. I set my heart to continue his business and expand it to the next level of going international and adding more variety to his products. I'm determined to study more about food and drinks, so in the future, I'm going to make him proud in return.

  17. MinecraftOafish

    MinecraftOafish Builder
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    Jun 20, 2016
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    #37 MinecraftOafish, Jun 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  18. 0TheRedHerring0

    0TheRedHerring0 President
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    Jun 2, 2013
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    Plagirism http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/our-proud-human-future
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    #38 0TheRedHerring0, Jun 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  19. Expipiplusone

    Expipiplusone Builder
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    Sep 13, 2014
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    So @MinecraftOafish let me fully understand your claim: in the span of 3 hours, Peter Augustine Lawler, a well known regular player in this server, built a time machine and sent to his younger self in 2007 a copy of your essay and then, after plagiarizing your mistakes-free work, he meddled with your brain making you - such a brilliant writer! - incapable of telling the difference between "have" and "of"?

    #39 Expipiplusone, Jun 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  20. Unabating

    Unabating Builder
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    May 29, 2016
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    I am proud of humankind for finally being to cooperate, at least to some extent, on a global scale, with the creation of the United Nations.

    After over sixty million people were killed during World War II, many countries had reached a consensus that something had to be done in order to avoid an atrocious conflict of this nature from ever happening again. In 1945, the original fifty-one members of the United Nations officially joined the organization. Today, 193 countries are members of the United Nations, showing the progress we've been able to make as a species toward cooperation. Due to the diplomacy that this organization promotes, a large-scale war of this nature has not occurred for seventy years. This organization gives most of the nations of the world a platform to discuss issues, from global warming to military actions that violate international law. Considering human beings have had a history of murdering each other simply for being different from one another, from the Crusades to the Holocaust, I am truly proud to be a human being in this era due to all we have accomplished in the effort for global cooperation. In my eyes, the creation of the United Nations is the greatest accomplishment in human history.