Anthony's 2017 Goals!

Discussion in 'Your ECC Goals!' started by AmazinglyAnthony, Mar 17, 2017.

  1. AmazinglyAnthony

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 6, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    I had a thread; but it's been a year since I posted in it and I din't want to bring that back, so here's a fresh slate and a better list of goals (IMHO, because I wasn't dreaming big in my last thread.)

    I'm going to use a traffic light system to display what the current stage of specific goals are, Green being completed, Yellow being in progress and Red being not started yet.

    Property Oriented goals:
    1. Finish the small farms on my personal town. (Wheat, Potaters, Carrots, NetherWart, Sugarcane, Melons, Pumpkins and Cocoa Beans)
    2. Build my shop (Theme is a secret for now; expect updated very soon.)
    3. Finish construction of my house. (My 'little farm house got a ton bigger than I thought i'd be; so I'm currently working on that. The Vault and hollowed main floor are complete, I still need to do the second floor, finish the deck, beautify and cry while doing the roof.)
    4. Buy the warp for my town (This will be vital for when my shop is made; but as for now, it's not of priority.)
    5. Spruce up the fishing hut I acquire on the land I obtained. (There was what appeared to be someone setting up there before I claimed the land; instead of knocking it down, I'm going to breathe some life into the hut and keep it in the final build.)
    6. Plot out some 'vacation' homes for some friends. (Just a small gesture to people who've been extra sweet to me while I've stumbled along relearning the game; this will come after I've nailed down all my buildings I'm going to be adding to the land.)
    7. Obtain some spawner eggs and gain some blocky friends to inhabit my farm with me. (This is a end goal and won't be touched till after everything else is sorted out.
    Monetary/Swag goals:
    1. Obtain a star tools of sorts. (Not sure which one I'm going to be aiming for first, but I'd like to get one this year; either via N Stars or ECD.)
    2. Buy Ex Commands and the Ex Commands + so I don't have to bug all the mods/Lady Vamp to erep me all the time. (Seriously though, I feel like that annoying kid brother getting ya'll to open my soda can; you guys are the real MVP's though! <3 )
    3. Win a Lottery once. (Silly perhaps, but I don't gamble in real life and so I won't lie I've been avoiding lottery like the plague. I will however one day but some money done and maybe? win big?)
    4. Rank up 10 Builder/Residents (I'd like to share the goodwill several players have shown to me help a newbie out.)
    5. Amass a full set of max enchanted tools/weapons/armor. (I have the pick as of now... well the fortune pick that is.)
    6. Get a MCMMO skill to 1000. (My highest is 216 right now and that's mining. Seems to take forever to do so I might buy the MCMMO features to help that out.)
    Community Goals:
    1. Apply to become a moderator. (This is a kind of goal, something I'll dig deep and revisit several months down the road when I have some more time to dedicate to the game and have a better sense of the rules/community.)
    2. Work with other players to enhance our newest members first experience in the game. (Currently teamed up with a cool group of guys and gals working on some interesting projects for the near future.)
    3. Help out any and all new players I can with game information, tips and tricks that I've acquired. (I've had more than my share of help, paying it forward is a must.)
    Real Life Goals:
    1. Finish my college degree (This doesn't pertain to the game in any sense, but I'm nearing the end of my program and in 115 hours of practicum I'll finally have my diploma for Addiction and Community Service Worker. This has taken me a little bit and may be the reason I disappear in the future for a bit, but I'm super excited to finish and super excited to share with anyone and everyone!)
    Lots of red, little bit of yellow and wow I got some work to do. Wish me luck and I'll hopefully have some updates very soon!
    #1 AmazinglyAnthony, Mar 17, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
  2. AmazinglyAnthony

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 6, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    Did some work on the farms today; have a better idea of how they are going to fall into the land!

    Finish the small farms on my personal town.
    (Wheat, Potaters, Carrots, NetherWart, Sugarcane, Melons, Pumpkins and Cocoa Beans)