By andrewkm on Dec 9, 2020 at 3:55 PM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    ECC Anarchy is coming!
    Here's a quick FAQ prior to launch.

    What is ECC Anarchy?
    It's a no rules, no staff, no borders, no resets, no plugins (mostly), vanilla, anarchy experience. Bans as well do not exist on this server, all current 30,000+ ECC bans will be invalid on Anarchy.

    Why are you launching this?
    Because memes.

    Will Anarchy be a separate server?
    Yes. You can access it using /anarchy.

    Will anything carry over?
    No. Nothing carries over.

    Will chat be global?
    No, of course not. Why submit ECC to such cancerous madness. Anarchy chat will be purely vanilla and will only exist on the Anarchy server.

    What are the rules?
    There are no rules.

    Can I get banned on Anarchy?
    No. You cannot get banned on Anarchy. The only exception is participating in any activity that would be deemed criminal in real life, such as, selling drugs, sexualizing minors, etc.

    I'm banned on EcoCityCraft, can I play Anarchy?
    Yes, away with you to the banished land of madness. The ban list is clear.

    Will there be staff?
    No. There is no staff on Anarchy.

    I have a suggestion for the Anarchy server.
    I don't care.

    I have an issue with something on the Anarchy server.
    I don't care.

    I need Help/Support on the Anarchy server.
    I don't care.

    The anarchy server offends me.
    Log off.

    What's the point of playing Anarchy on ECC?
    There is no point.

    Will there be donations / things I can buy?
    No. We're not doing this for money. We're doing this because why not?

    Can I cheat or hack?
    Absolutely, by all means. We will however have an Anti-Cheat plugin on the server simply because without one, any 8 year old can crash the server with just a few client mods. This is a no brainer. However, if you can get around the anti-cheat, by all means, do so!

    What are the main server settings?
    PvP enabled. Hardcore mode enabled. Anti-Cheat enabled. A few customizations to prevent lagging out the server such as mob stacking (very tuned down settings), and item merging, etc.

    I got questions that weren't answered here!
    Please post them on Discord in the #supporters-general channel and tag me. I'll add them to the thread.

    #1 andrewkm, Dec 9, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Dec 9, 2020.