Emau's Goals/Bucket List

Discussion in 'Your ECC Goals!' started by Emau, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Well another month or so gone by and things are as well as ever. Excellent friends, great comrades, and clear progress. Station38 is up and running. I still need to restock the colored glass on the second floor, but I have a shop making money and doing well.

    I bought my wife a minecraft account. Um. She isn't a gamer. The last time she ever played a video game is the stereotypical Super Mario franchise. She has never played a first person perspective game. It has been over a week, and we are still working on walking in a straight line and using the same hand to jump while moving. I laugh at her, because she is so cute being so innocent and not having any idea. We are years behind getting her caught up. (I am hoping that by summer next year we can attempt Portal Co-Op.) It is fun watching her learn though.

    Many players ask why I haven't applied for staff. The main reason is I do not own a mic and wouldn't be able to moderate Teamspeak. I also only recently opened a Skype account (Thank you to Origamimaster for walking me through setting up the account). I am still working on getting used to it.

    While the mic is the main reason, I also feel that I am a little to sarcastic for staff. I do believe as staff I could tone it down and be more PC, but I honestly don't want to. Take for example my posts that were deleted today:


    There was no reason to delete the thread. Lock it, OK. But delete it? You really must have thought yourself wrong to do so. Just own it and move on. I wouldn't have posted what I said if I did not mean it. Deleting it was wrong and a form of censorship in my opinion. It isn't the first time my posts have been deleted by staff, and it won't be the last. I just didn't screenshot my other times.

    The fact is that while 80% of the players are awesome, there is a few players who are , for the lack of a better term, idiots. I don't know if they will ever learn, but any attempt to teach them anything is met with blank stares. I only have a about 6 or 7 people on ignore in the forums and have given up using /ignore in game as it takes to long to keep working after logging on each time. I would say there are about 20 people or so I can't stand. I think about 10-15 of them don't even know it.

    So I probably won't ever be staff until I get a mic, and I have no desire to do so, as I like being me. If you don't like me, I'm ok with that. If you think I am in error, I welcome the criticism and corrections. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you think I have overstepped something.

    I may not agree with you, but I will respect you for letting me know. And if I am able to private convo you, I will try to use that as a first way to approach you as well.

    Well, I just wanted to get this out of my system on my own thread so it wouldn't get deleted by staff without talking to me first.

    Oh and one last thing: I stand by my statement. If you are going to report a bug/glitch/etc.. PLEASE look to see if it has been reported before. It isn't that hard, and by NOT doing so, you really make it look like you don't care enough to look. While I would think everyone would do keyword searches in addition to reading the thread titles, I know not everyone has common sense.

    And if you look and don't see it, I am OK with that. At least you took the courtesy to look. I'm not expecting much here. It wastes everyone time when you don't do this. Not the least which is Staff for looking at reports that don't need to be filed. Imagine the time you could save YOURSELF if you find a similar report. You wouldn't have to file one and could save all that time. Please at least glance at that first page. It is literally 5 seconds to do so. Why would you not do it?

    See you next month. :)
  2. Monkeyz505

    Monkeyz505 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 11, 2013
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    See #22 and #29
    Are they different... or...
  3. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    I have thought about removing #22. But I left it in only because #29 is such a long term goal (more than a year away).

    Or another way: I really want my own Eff VII, and some day, down the road, I plan on getting the whole set.

    I see your point and will amend #29 to just say "Acquire the remaining star tools." Thank you.
  4. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Due to some IRL issues these past few weeks, I will be skipping this month's update. See you next month.
  5. thehockeykids2

    thehockeykids2 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Good luck!
  6. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Greetings ECC,

    These past few months have been hectic IRL. I haven't done much in-game that is measurable to be honest. Mostly raised money for donation features. I have been limited in my in-game time, but I try to pop in as much as I can.

    Currently I am doing the following on any given night:

    Mining with a friend's EffVII.
    Farming wheat.
    Helping friends.
    Farming obsidian.
    Gathering clay blocks.
    Working on Restlech.
    Helping friends.
    Sponging job.
    Making potions.
    Making/Using a tree farm.
    Mining quartz.
    Helping friends.

    I think that about covers it. I currently have less than 5k in my balance and no ores/minerals to sell. I have more projects than I can keep track of, and haven't worked on clearing the towns I bought in 2012 in over 6 months. Last year I laughed at people with fly, now I have fly+. I, honestly, can't think of any other donations to get (besides maybe /back).

    "So much to do, so little time in the day, and the only hard part is deciding what to do next." - @KMaxwell - ECC Staff Interview - http://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Staff_Interview:_KMaxwell

    1Sep14 - Now begins my climb to Tycoon. I picked out what town I want to claim. If I don't have tycoon by my next update, I will be highly upset at myself. I was just talking about this to @origamimaster10 : I remember when tycoon was the elite of the ranks. But now, it seems that players log on and within a few weeks are tycoon and just pass me up. It is time for me to finally achieve that rank. Then, after I do the town claim that has been the elephant in the room of my playing, I can finally turn the page and grow.

    So, the era of my distractions of gathering donations is over. So begins the climb to Tycoon.

    See you next month. Where 1.8 will be all the buzz and, if we have updated, I can finally complete some goals I have paused.

    Happy playing, and if you ever need anything, just ask.
    #26 Emau, Sep 1, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  7. KMaxwell

    KMaxwell Crazy Cat Lady that Crochets
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 24, 2012
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    Wow... I'd totally forgotten about that interview, and never thought I'd be quoted on it. While my Freecycle "claim to fame" is no more, all the rest of what I said that say is entirely accurate... with so much to do, the hard part is deciding what to do next.

    Remind me to put in another potion order... that should help on the Tycoon funding!
  8. JazzBeam

    JazzBeam Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 28, 2013
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    A lot has changed since I last saw your information. So congratulations on Tycoon rank!
    Tis a rare rank, like any rank above president.
  9. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    So it has been a month. I made a final push for Tycoon in the past 3-4 days, and kind of overshot my $$$ needs for Tycoon. I have made Tycoon, and sometimes tomorrow I will make my claim and reclaim what is rightfully mine.

    It looks like there is a lot happening on the Bukkit/Mojang/Microsoft end and we may be on 1.7.10 for quite a while. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy for many months.

    Andrew may have been a lightning rod during the most recent events. I understand why people were upset with him. They had very valid reasons. I, personally, had no issues with him and respect him for everything he did for this server. I'm not saying he didn't make mistakes, but I am saying that he did a lot for me and I never had any issues with him myself. I just want to state that officially.

    I have noticed a change in the way the new staff handle things compared to the old staff. I cannot say I am pleased. I do not wish to stir up trouble so I will lie in wait and observe and hope things improve. If not, I will have to re-evaluate at that time.

    I think this next month will be a relaxation month, and a clearing of old towns. I have done a lot on Restlech and will be taking a few weeks break from it.

    **Oh and just to throw this out there (in a friendly manner). If there is a chance of dying via PvP, I won't do it. I do not PvP. :D
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  10. JazzBeam

    JazzBeam Builder
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    Jul 28, 2013
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    I have been inactive lately and have not noticed the way the new staff operate. Is it alright if you could tell me what they do that displeases you a bit?
  11. JazzBeam

    JazzBeam Builder
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    Jul 28, 2013
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    Oh no sorry, never mind.

    I looked at your previous posts and understand.
  12. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Well... This post is pretty much a pity party for me post. Just skip it if you don't want to hear it. :) TL DR; I was gone, now I am back.

    Put very simply, I had some IRL issues (job). This being just a game, and IRL being priority, I had to take a break. I was gone for around 2+ months. This was just before ECC started with their changes. Before the passive mobs became a common thing. Before the 1.8 update was implemented.

    It was tough for me to put ground rules about how/if/when I would return. I have normalized things IRL, and after much discussion with those affected, I feel I can now safely come back and still keep things in balance. I might not be able to play as much as I did before, and I might even have to take a week off now and then, but I'm good with that.

    For all those who supported me and for those who would have if they were asked to support me, thank you. It is strange to think that some of my best friends are from this game, but it is true.

    Anyway, enough of the sob story. I am going to take this next week to lurk and catch up. I tore down my shop. TY KMax for reminding me to do that. I had about 32 dchest full of items and over 25k cash that I would have lost.

    I need to start collecting some of the new items and figure out the price changes. I also need to remind myself why I have 68 homes set.

    I have been reading the forum today and see some cool new features (like backpack), so I am obviously going to have to redo my list.

    Glad to be back. I try to stay visible more often when I'm playing. I'm like a noob with a lot of start-up capital. I forgot how much of a pack rat I am. I have hundreds of chests to go through and figure out if I have anything of worth..lol.
  13. DD71

    DD71 Mayor of Nashville
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Well, there's a face I haven't seen in a while. You probably don't know me well but I remember you from the forums when you used to be active and it's nice to see you back. There's been a lot of changes since you've left. If you have any questions and catch me online, feel free to pm me. Good luck on your return! [emoji2]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. goblizz

    goblizz The One and Only
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2013
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    Welcome Back!

    Just be careful what you do with backpack, as it's a bit buggy. However, if you need anything, feel free to contact me through forum PM and ingame mail, or even ingame PM if you catch me online. I'd love to help, as my goals are stemming down.
    #34 goblizz, Dec 30, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
  15. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Deja vu. Just a quick post. After being gone for another 6+ month, I am back on a regular basis. I feel like a new player again. So many changes. I appreciate all the simple help players and staff have provided. From reminding me how to teleport to informing me the limits on the passive mobs in the main worlds.

    I bought Backpack finally, although I haven't been able to use it due to the update.

    I found absolutely nothing of worth in my friend's town I claimed. Not that that was the reason I claimed it. A few players asked, so hopefully this will stop the conjecture.

    I am in a good place emotionally. Glad to be back and start making more progress on my bucket list.

    Beginning with getting some portals set-up (even if they are in a temporary spot) at the request of some new friends/players.

    Again, thank you to everyone who has helped me out. I needed a lot of it. :)
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  16. steveshizzle

    steveshizzle Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 18, 2012
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    We're so happy to see you back, Emau! It's been a long few months without you!
    #36 steveshizzle, May 31, 2015
    Last edited: May 31, 2015
  17. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Another month, another update.
    I've gone on a little spree buying donations. I think about waiting until the sale to get the promotion medal, but then I see a great deal and have to take advantage of it. I have started saving some money to possibly get the medal in August. At the time of this writing there are about $225 in features left that I consider "priority."

    Love this community. Can't say that enough. So helpful. As lame as it sounds, I try to 'pay it forward'. If I ever offend you in chat, I do not mean to do so. Sometimes I am not very tactful and should probably talk less instead of being so sarcastic.

    I am still confused about when I see passive animals in the main worlds, but I am trying to adapt. I have a small animal farm with a few sheep, pigs, cows, and chickens. The cow thing sure has made my milk stockpile worthless. I used to run into the mining world with my hoard of buckets to milk cows when it reset. Now, I just try to kill every animal I see in the mining world.

    Saw my first bunnies this month. Killed my first bunnies too. Another surprise was killing a sheep and getting meat. I did not know this. Another shock to me was the different wooden doors. And that they stack now as well. I found a mooshroom cow, and started to get bowls of soup, and found out they were worthless. Maybe if I open up a stall/shop again, I'll have a stock for it.

    When I was gone for the 6 months, I didn't keep up with the changes/updates. I am still sorting a lot of them out. This game is always changing. I keep thinking back to when I started playing, how different it was.

    I won my first real lotto. It was also a crazy lotto. 40k. Got the medal. I'm a happy camper. When I have enough cash to waste, I'll try for the Lucky Lotto medal. This probably won't happen for 6 months to a year.

    Anyway, I feel I am back in the midst of things. Portals for my main towns are bought, mining as fun as ever, a few builders flourishing, farming coming along, and I am about to finish clearing some old towns. It feels good to have not enough time. Hours drift by and I can just relax and enjoy.

    How can I complain about that?

    Well, back to relaxing and enjoying. I hope you do the same. Be safe.
  18. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Warning: This post is less of an update and more of reminiscing.

    Well, it has been two years since I moved my Bucket List/Goals thread over to this section; almost three years being on the server. It makes me think how far I have come. I have spent $15 USD on my pet cat, Tace, who seems to get in the way more often than not.

    I am a slow player. I don't know a lot of the finer points of minecraft, I'm not a terrific builder, or even very creative. I am like this in real life and it shows through on my minecraft builds. I am always in awe of the designs/creations of my fellow players. Not only for their intricacy and epicness, but also in their creative control of the blocks. Very artistic and very nice to look at. I spent about an hour last night, before working on a new build, just flying through come of the neighboring towns. So inspiring.

    This was my second server I ever played on. The first one I played for 3 days and they did a world reset and I was upset all my work was gone.

    I remember that for my first week, I hid in the ground lurking and trying not to be found.
    I remember thinking 1000 was a lot of money on the server.
    I remember when the President rank was prestigious.
    I remember winning a plot in a town owned by Xx3picRebelxX via a SnipeChest event. RIP Snipechest. @xX3PICREBELXx I still have the enchanted book. :p I would melon farm in that town for hours on hours using an eff v silk pick.
    I remember buying my first town.

    Now I am about to buy another $100+ in features in a week to get the promo medal, and next month I plan to have enough to get an eff vii pick. (Maybe 2 months for the pick.)

    I never thought I would be where I am now. A player who, with enough time, knows he can get anything he needs.
    I never thought I would have hundreds of dollars in donations. I never thought people would know who I was.
    I may not be the wealthiest, or the most powerful, or the most popular, but I feel welcome and enjoy myself.
    You guys/ladies have made an impact in my life. And while I know the server won't last forever, the impact will.
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  19. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Three minor victories.

    In-game, things are going well. I was able to get the promotion medal (Look ma, I'm gold and sparkly!). Every time I get new features, I am amazed I went so long without them. I do not have that many features left to get. I'm hoping to finish the ones I 'need' very soon.

    I made my first door using Extended creations. I also made my first Hidden Switch. Of course, this led to the eventual combination of installing a hidden door opened via a hidden switch in my vault. Except for the extremely limited number of blocks doors can be made out of, I am very pleased with this feature.

    I have put off getting an eff vii pick for a month or two. I am working on other projects right now.

    Another victory was installing Forge, OptiFine, liteloader, MacroMod, and the ECCmap last night in one go. Successfully and with very little hassle. I heard/read about all the issues, and I completed it (half asleep) with very minimal fuss.

    Very eventful few weeks.

    Well, time to play some newly modded minecraft.

    #39 Emau, Aug 17, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  20. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
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    I have finally finished getting all the features on my 'wish list'. I talked with a friend and came up with a list of new features to donate for. I probably won't even start buying them for awhile; too many projects and not enough time sort of thing.

    I have been training my McMMO and have noticed a huge disparity in how fast some are easily trained and others are not. Example: I can train Woodcutting and even though I am over 1000 in my level, one use of the skill might raise me 5 levels easily. And that is on the low side when there is lag. On the other side, Alchemy might take me 5-10 minutes per level. This comes to around 10 levels an hour. And that is focusing purely on that skill and nothing else. And I'm only level 300 or so. I hate to think how long it will take when I get around level 900+.

    I own a town with an Acro trainer. (This is pretty straight forward.)
    I 'own' a town that has trees set up to train Woodcutting. (Although it isn't optimized, I think I know how to optimize it with very little effort.)
    I am co-owner of a town that trains Excavation fairly quickly. (This is my sticky one. I have been racking my head on how to optimize Excavation. Should I just do a huge block of dirt like 50x50? Should I lay dirt in layers 2-3 high in long rows? Should I alternate single layer of grass and glowstone (floors of this)?

    Anyone have any build/suggestion ideas?

    I am going to add this as a goal fairly soon. But I am thinking about bringing back McMMO groups. Maybe offer tools/towns to McMMO parties so we can all train together. More people = Faster levels.

    Maybe I'll do a single town to train Acro, Excavation, Woodcutting, Fishing, and Alchemy. Then maybe Make a party that people could join to share XP while in the town.

    Right now it is just a thought, but it has been floating around my head for awhile now. Nothing will probably come of it anytime soon;
    too many projects and not enough time sort of thing.

    This next month is really just saving money. To get all the features I wanted in such a short amount of time, I sold a lot of my junk sitting in my vault. I would like to have a stash of money in reserve so that doesn't happen again. I still can't believe I had to sell over 10k of my slimeblocks. That was the hard one too do. Maybe I'll even get a startool since I keep taking about them, but never seem to have enough self control to save enough to get them. Maybe.

    Well, I am at work and probably should be doing it. Thanks for letting me get some of these thoughts out. I would love for someone to help with the Excavation issue.
