[Grief Report] classyville

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Grief Report & Rollback Req' started by insertbadjoke, Jul 23, 2019.

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  1. insertbadjoke

    insertbadjoke Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 8, 2019
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:
    Town Secretary. (I just carry out tasks for the mayor and help residents out.)
    Town Name:
    Is this a protected town:
    Yes, this is a protected town
    Pending Town Application:

    Grief Location:
    10,588 east , 65 down, 7,125 south, and yaw is 2.854
    Grief Description:
    Over the past 2-3 days, I've noticed my crops dissapearing. I thought at first i did it and forgot so one night i planted just a patch of potatoes and in the morning it was gone. I called a mod, but they could not help for some reason i don't remember. So i took the issue into my own hands and boarded every possible way in, including checking fences and making sure my chests, furnaces, and armor stands were locked. The next morning I did normal farmwork and logged off. When I got back, almost all of my crops were gone. So was my diamond armor, and all the coal in my furnaces. I called a Moderator over and they helped me out this time, linking me the grief report forum. I headed over to the community chests after my moderator encounter to put in some stone i did not need, only to find that they were raided. I think that it is somebody in the town, as i put up many warnings on my plot to stay off. But when i got on tonight, only one remained. I was working at finished my diamond armor set for a long time, and crops and fishing are my main income sources so this has really pushed me back. I'm eager to stop this and am open to talk to anybody that needs details on discord, deku#9755.
    Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area:
    To my knowing, nobody. Unless the mayor can but He says he does not have those permits.
    Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief:
    Sadly. I took none. Reading this now I wish i did. I'll plant some things tonight and film my screen logging on in the morning to see what happend if that helps.
    Rollback Request:

  2. FuriuosGeorge

    FuriuosGeorge I got answers and am no longer curiuos
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 27, 2016
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    first of all Locks...locks locks... I hate to tell you this but if any thing missing was not in a locked chest it's gone. now you can hire someone with investigate to see who did it but most likely, unless they griefed then you can file a grief report, or broke town rules then you can evict them. It shows up in this forum all the time.

    best advice
    makes sure everything valuable is in a locked chest. Period. :(
  3. Ladyvamptress

    Ladyvamptress Bloodlust Ex-EcoLegend
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 26, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Ok, so through investigation, I have found that...
    28 Cocoa Beans
    27 Wheat
    17 Melons
    47 Beetroot

    And placed:
    26 Cocoa Beans
    27 Wheat
    10 Beetroot

    Total of altered crops: 182

    As for the stuff that was stolen, if it is unlocked, there isn’t anything we can do, stealing from things that are unlocked is legal. Just remember to lock everything!

    @bodil22 will be tempbanned for 24 hours, for Minor Crop Grief in the town of Classyville.

    Request Locked
    #3 Ladyvamptress, Jul 23, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
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