By andrewkm on Nov 27, 2017 at 5:01 PM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:

    Personally, I don't like half finishing stuff we do on ECC, and to be honest, VMR gave that vibe off to me. Ever since it's release we've had one serious problem:

    Why play VMR if you're:
    - Joining in the middle of the week
    - Can't put forth the time throughout the following week to be competitive.

    It just seemed incomplete to us and lacking the proper motivation to join VMR if it's mid-week or if you can't compete, I mean let's be real, why else join the server if there's nothing left in it for you that week. Eventually though, we came up with a great solution, one that allows you to totally avoid the entire current VMR theme and let you do your own thing. A great reason to join, other than to compete for the current weeks points/ecodollar prizes.

    Introducing, the VMR Booklet! (Literally inspired by the pokedex from pokemon - yes I'm being serious)
    A one-of-a-kind completely custom made for ECC system (@JamieSinn spent days on end coding this from the ground up, make sure to thank him when you see him :happy:


    You are now able to use the following commands while on the VMR server:
    /booklet status
    /booklet <item> (Example: /booklet dirt)

    The way the booklet works is very simple.
    Sell any item to add it to your booklet. (regardless of what it's worth/etc, all items can be sold)

    -All items are worth $0 VMRD and are allowed to be sold (other than the current theme's items, which can be sold for VMRD to work towards the current weeks leader board)
    - When you sell an item, regardless of what it's worth, it will always be added to your booklet.
    - Booklet updates are once every 5 minutes. Do not freak out when what you just sold hasn't yet been added to your personal booklet, the updates take place every 5 minutes :)

    Nothing will ever be erased from your earnings! Any booklet item you earn will remain in your account forever regardless of any future VMR resets!

    With that said, this is a super-early release, to introduce the system to players early.
    The very near future (just hours/days) will have quite a few updates in store.

    These updates include:

    - Filling your booklet (simply 1 of each item) will earn you the new VMR Booklet forum medal!
    - Getting an achievement (10,000 of each item) will allow you to trade it for EcoDollars and/or raffle tickets for real world prizes (iPhones, Gaming Consoles, Etc).
    - The 15 impossible to achieve items will be available via crates/keys sold through our BuyCraft store ( - Tons of more info on this will come soon!
    - Requesting achievement adjustments will soon be possible (as we all know some items are near impossible to get 10,000 of, we will take all suggestions seriously).
    - More updates to come in the very near future.

    For now we are calling this a super-beta release! Give us a few days so we can grind out issues and get the whole system on its feet!

    And that's all for now <3
    Good luck filling that VMR Booklet! Excited to see if anyone can actually complete it :D
    #1 andrewkm, Nov 27, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Nov 27, 2017.