New Trade Macro For Non-Patrons with On-Screen Notification!

Discussion in 'Basic Tutorials' started by alishaan, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. alishaan

    alishaan Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 1, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    So you want to advertise but don't have 60 dollars? Well I can help you with that.
    1. Hold Shift and press your macro key (usually ~)
    2. Click on any button
    3. Paste this code onto the button
    $${DO;SETLABEL(Trade,You may not talk now!);ECHO(/ch tr);WAIT(4);ECHO(Trade Message);ECHO(Trade Message);WAIT(4);ECHO(/ch g);SETLABEL(Trade,You may talk now!);WAIT(300);LOOP()}$$
    4. Now completely escape out of the macro mod menu

    Now we are going to install the on screen notifications
    1. Hold Shift and press your macro key (usually ~)
    2. Press the GUI Editor in the bottom right corner and click on 'ingame'
    3. Look for the + in the bottom left corner and click on it and click on add label
    4. Place it anywhere you want
    5. On the field called 'Control Name' set it to exactly this 'Trade'

    Now all you need to do is edit the macro to include your ads which would be the 'Trade Message' in the parenthesis and whenever you want to start the macro click the button you put the script on. To end the script click your macro key (usually ~) and click the red X next to name of the key you put the script on!

    Let me know if you have any questions :D
    #1 alishaan, Jul 28, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2016