By andrewkm on Aug 31, 2018 at 8:22 AM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    CO-OP has been re-enabled.

    New Rule:
    (The harshness of this rule will never change.)

    Sale of Prestige Services
    The sale of Prestige is not allowed. This means co-oping playing, or inviting them with your island along side your island control feature so that they may place expensive blocks, allow you to prestige, and then remove them. If anyone is found to be using such services, or offering such services, there will be no questions asked, both users will have their island and entire ECC account (including main server & forum bank balance) immediately wiped, along side every prestige already in their account. This means if the abusing users are prestige 3 for example, and are caught abusing their way to prestige 4 by using another persons blocks, or offering another person their blocks, every single prestige they earned, on ALL servers will be removed.


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Aug 31, 2018.