Accepted [Suggestion] Revamp SG

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Gowther32, Mar 14, 2018.

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  1. Gowther32

    Gowther32 Goat Sin of Lust
    ECC Sponsor EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Minecraft Name: Kirito32

    Suggestion: To revamp SG in numerous ways, ideas I have are to add new maps, alter the pvp system to 1.7-1.8 pvp as it is preferred by most users over the current pvp system, and perhaps add other new features/changes to mix things up, such as tweaking the item pool in chests, altering the sg kits, and other various changes to make sg a new and enjoyable experience (note that these changes do not have to be as drastic as I am suggesting). Also, it could be a good idea to overhaul or alter the sg leaderboard system to make it more user friendly as well as having rewards for top 10 or 100, which is an idea borrowed directly from top 10 islands reward from the Skyblock information thread. Also, it would be a neat idea to have a system where players are spawned into a free roam lobby type area pregame to vote to start the game and parkour a little, and possibly have players vote on what maps they want to be selected before the game starts.

    Reason: Having taken a one year leave of absence and recently returning the past week, I have noticed that survival games has essentially died and has almost no users playing on it anymore, which is a drastic change from what it was like when I played sg a year ago. After getting feedback from a few users, I have learned that there were two main reasons to the downfall of sg, and it would be appreciated if someone may correct me if these reasons are incorrect or there are more factors. The first is that most players do not enjoy the current pvp system and would prefer 1.7 or 1.8 pvp mechanics, leading to a gradual decline in the sg population. The other reason I have heard is that people do not like the current map for various reasons, such as it being too big. I remember there being different maps, so when I came on and saw just the one with only one lobby I was a bit confused and turned down from sg a little myself. A fix to this is to simply bring back the old maps or introduce new ones that the players will be more readily able to adapt to. I have also heard of plugins that can change the pvp system to the retro system, but I am not sure which ones or how the process of that works. Now I know that on the planned projects Jamie has a low priority planned project listed for sg that says it will isolate sg to its own server, which is fine. This suggestion is more geared towards changing sg itself to make it more enjoyable and have players want to play it again. I by no means intend to have all the ideas I have presented be implemented, but it would be nice to see some of them, as I was quite an avid player of sg back then and would love to see sg brought out of its current lifeless state into something more people will be willing to participate in and enjoy.

    Other Information: To the general ecc community, make sure to leave some feedback on other ideas that could be implemented or things that could be changed with sg, as well as letting me know what ideas of mine you liked or disliked, either as a reply to this thread or a private message. I would love to see sg be in a better state than what it is now so your support is very much appreciated!
  2. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Suggestion: Just change everything
  3. 1aughter

    1aughter Oɾαɳɠҽ GαɱҽAԃɱιɳ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    May 13, 2014
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    They are going to remove SG and bring in KitPvP.
  4. JamieSinn

    JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 4, 2011
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    SG is locked.
    Will be removed on next server addition, as we are replacing it with KitPVP.
    There's no use beating a dead horse.
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    #4 JamieSinn, Mar 15, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
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