
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Arkator, May 11, 2014.

  1. Arkator

    May 10, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hello there folks!

    My real name is Cody Dalton and I have been playing minecraft for many years now, precisely since October 22nd, 2010 if you want me to be specific about it. I'm a friendly guy, trustworthy and helpful, I have a very over-active imagination that craves to be satisfied by whatever my interests can throw into my hungering mind.

    I like to make close and deep relationships with people over the net, though those among that group are few since I don't go out of my own way to make those connections. I'm known by a fair number of decent players at least in old and disbanded server communities that I was apart of, namely two servers which have shut down, Nyancraft and soon to be entirely as well, CraftedMiners.

    I have a few favorite pastimes, reading books (mostly fantasy, romance, science fiction, anything that has a good story to it really), drawing. Learning languages of particularly European, Asian and those that exist in many fantasy novel books. Anime and Manga fill up a large portion alongside gaming and web-surfing and I have an interest in Cartography, and some particular Histories. I have a attraction to metal, fire, light and darkness which has developed and grown in the past few years out of nowhere but the words Free Energy and Magic, don;t why I've add that but I felt like I needed to :p

    I run a town community called Mythrim along with a few net buddies, we've run it about 2 1/2 years now, and this would be the third server that it's moved to after Nyancraft (Nyancraft being it's founding home) and CraftedMiners. I'm a very competitive town owner, I find delight in friendly competitions of resident numbers, town size etc, though I won't let it ruin any possibility if good healthy friendships.
    I was at one point a server moderator for Nyancraft (It has been shut down for some considerable time now as mentioned above), I served in that position for several months before I was demoted for misconduct. My misconduct was brought about by a number of bad influences and my own stupidity, I was foolishly naive at the time, that was over 2 1/2 years ago. Beside that though nothing else of note I can think of for minecraft.

    I'm usually active on the net around early evening to late evening weekdays, weekend i'm usually active from early evening to the early morning hours. If you want to catch me online, take a look at my timezone [(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney] on your computer clock and compare it to your own :p

    I hope to make my own success here at AEM Network in its Survival Server World (I have a distaste for other world types because of my lacking ability in each to be as successful as I am in Survival) :p

    That is about all, can't wait to play with you folks! :D
  2. Sica

    Sica Guest

    Welcome to AEM and to our Towny server. Maybe I'll catch you around some time on the weekends.
  3. Arkator

    May 10, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hopefully :) Though I won't be able to get on anytime for the next month at least, nearing the transition between our First and Second Semesters, got to take the GAT (General Achievement Test) and hand in a ton of SAC (School Assessed Criteria). So much catch up to do :( Gotta do it all by June 2nd ;_;