Starting My Build In Survival

Discussion in 'Survival' started by MitchThatWing, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. MitchThatWing

    Jul 23, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    As only some of you know, I build a big-ass wall around some hills in the server "Survival". I've worked quite hard on it and i could really use some helping hands...

    My build entirely consists not only of a wall, but as well as a castle and a large village (or more like a medieval city) to only start. I am still only scratching the surface of my build, and I could really use some helping hands on it.

    My most asked request is that people could donate their leftover stone or cobblestone, even maybe let me buy some of it. It's damn annoying for me to try and take the time to mine all the stone for my wall and castle, and then spend 3x as much time trying to build the things. Long story short, I could really use some help on these tasks, especially when it comes to building my castle, which I am currently working on at the moment. I will very soon need people to copy the layouts of my towers, parts of my castle walls, and help with the wall design. It would really save me a lot of time and save a soon to be broken mouse.

    If any of you are interested in finding out more, just mail me in game on the Survival Server or come to me when I'm online and just ask. If any of you want to see the current progress just go to Survival and type /warp MitchThatWing