This has to be some sort of a sick joke...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bumburn, Sep 23, 2016.

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  1. bumburn

    Aug 13, 2016
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    So i logged on to factions today. I was at kilue's base and I enderpearled at the floor by accident, then i was glitched in bedrock and then got tped out of the world... WITH FOUR SETS ON ME! And 8 god apples, and just keep adding to the list. As a VIP I get access to /back, so i tried typing it before i fell out the world and then your stupid "1 second before i can use a command again" plugin stopped me. And before you ask whether I was recording... No I wasn't because I had no clue that this bug would kill me and take my stuff. I am angry and I want my stuff back.

    yours angrily,

    ~ bumscumPvP
  2. zrinnn

    Jun 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    1. Raging will get you nowhere.
    2. I'd watch your tone and your insults to the server, you're requesting staff assistance for your loss of items, is this the tone when you're in need of assistance? If it is, I will gladly ignore and lock the thread.
    3. There's a strict policy on items reimburse, if compensations are given away just because players say it without any form of evidence/proof, there'll be people who use that same method to say that they lost 10 stacks of gods and 5 stacks of beacons and so on and so for when they actually lose only an iron set or kit starter for example.
  3. bumburn

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Yeah sorry I was just angry I lost my stuff. However I have one question. Why do I have to take the punishment of losing my stuff because of your glitch. Don't get me wrong I'm not getting banned over this but if you truly have a reason for me losing the stuff then I should be able to hear it.

    Please accept my apology because I don't want to be banned, and I'm sorry about my tone as well. If you cannot give me items back im not going to complain any more, but it won't change my views on the chat commands.
  4. zrinnn

    Jun 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I understand where you're coming from, but please control yourself next time.
    Anyways I will look into this issue and get back to you soon. Do drop me a priv msg on forums or add me up on skype @zrinnnaem for quicker response. For now thread will be locked. Next time you're reporting a bug or server plugin related issue, please post it on the bug reports section at
    as that will be easier seen by staff members.
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