Welcome to The Bronx (Official Thread)

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Towns/Nations & Evictions.' started by hooliajade, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. hooliajade

    hooliajade RIP Panda Nation | Retired Mod
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 10, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    You have officially entered the Bronx town thread

    I've lived in New York my whole life. One place I loved visiting as a kid was The Bronx Zoo. I loved everything about it - as I grew up I learned how important it was to properly care for animals in captivity and if there is a place for them It should be treated as a sanctuary-like environment. Enclosures should be large enough to make the animals feel free and safe.

    I was inspired by the start of an animal sanctuary on ECC to build my own form.

    The Bronx is a modern city with high rise buildings and lots to do! If you are interested in visiting the new city there will be a warp at "/warp Bronx" - Upon entering the warp you will find yourself in a high rise building (if you're reading this because you are joining town, Welcome!!) The floors within that building are occupied by multiple town resources, you have entered the Mayor HQ.

    To the point, Welcome! Below are the rules of town, if you have any questions contact me.

    1. Server Rules Apply :)
    2. No Griefing - NO EXCEPTIONS
    3. No Stealing - NO EXCEPTIONS
    4. Respect the Zoo - No hurting animals, destroying anything, keep it clean
    5. Respect town residents - no harassment or trolling
    6. No Farms - there is a building next to HQ that will be dedicated to public farming
    7. ^ Replant public farms and keep it clean
    8. No building outside your plot - this includes apartment buildings and normal plots
    9. You may build up high - Mayor has right to ask you to lower your building
    10. You may not build below the ground level
    11. Do not destroy any part of apartment buildings or town structures
    12. Must be active - if gone 14 days in a row you will be given an eviction notice (if you plan to be away for long send 1purplejade a note)
    13. Mayor has right to evict for any reason
    14. HAVE FUN <3 :)
    Any questions send me a note!

    I hope you enjoy and look for updates below!