(Main) ExtCommands

May 7, 2023
(Main) ExtCommands

  • Extended Commands - ($) 50(top)

    *Feature is available in Rising/Nether/End/Mining!*

    The Extended Commands feature gives you many extra commands which may come in handy during game play! Some of these may even make you some extra EcoDollars; such as the ability to repair others tools for a price you choose, or stack other users items with the stack command and charge them for it. We do not punish for this and it is allowed. Following are a list of commands you will get with this feature!

    Feature Rules:
    • Any user caught abusing the powertool feature that is a part of this feature in any way, such as spamming "/powertool pay bob 1" constantly, will face punishment and have the feature immediately removed with no refund.
    • As well there is to be no command spamming, such as binding the repair hand command to a shovel and using it. You are constantly executing the command by doing this thus spamming the console/log files. Bind your command, use it when needed, and clear it or use a different tool.
    /ptime [reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] -or- /ptime @[time]
    • Changes your client side time. This will not affect the server time whatsoever and will be automatically reset every time you log-off and log back in. By client side it means only you see this time and nobody else.
    /pweather [sun|storm]
    • Changes your client side weather. This will not affect the server weather whatsoever and will be automatically reset every time you log-off and log back in. By client side it means only you see this weather setting and nobody else.
    Examples: /ptime day With this command, say the time was night, it will change it to daytime for you, however if you are outside monsters will still spawn around you, as the server's real time is not effected. /ptime @day With this command your time will stick to day and never change. Great for building outside and not having the nighttime bother you too much!

    /repair [hand|all] -or- /fix [hand|all]
    • Use this command to repair either the tool in your hand or all the tools in your inventory (non-enchanted ones). You will not be punished for repairing other users’ tools for a price. That is simply another way for you to make an extra EcoDollar here and there as a supporter!
    • This command will stack everything in your inventory to keep it nice and tidy. Say you have a bunch of dirt, stone and more all over the place, this will quickly organize it in stacks for you. Simply type "/stack" and items will all go into one stack if they are not illegitimate stack items. (This does not work for items that cannot be normally stacked)
    /clearinventory -or- /ci
    This command will ask for a confirmation before clearing your inventory.​
    • This command will prompt a clear your inventory. Tired of having garbage on you from time to time that you cannot sell to the server? You now have a quick way to get rid of it all! Please note this does not get rid of items with lore.
    • Owned(via /own) items are exempt from the /clearinventory command.
    • Check users who are within your radius. The default/max radius will be 500 blocks in any direction. Using /near 5 for example will tell you whose within 5 blocks from you. This command is great for finding out who a mob disguised player really is! Say there is a sheep following you and your certain it’s a player. This will allow you to use /near 10 for example and find out who it is.
    /powertool -or- /pt
    • Use this command while holding an object in your hand to bind a command to it. Example: While holding a piece of dirt, use the following command "/powertool shout Hey guys, selling super cheap potions at EcoCityCraft!" (No slash is needed before the command parameter) Now whenever you left click while hold a piece of dirt you will shout that message out! This works with any and all commands you have access to. A few great things you can bind to this include cprivate, repair, home, and much more!
    • Powertools have a 0.5 second cooldown unless it is a /sell command.
    Note: To clear a current items powertool simply run "/powertool" -or- "/pt" while holding it in your hand.

    Warning: Any user caught abusing this in anyway such as spamming "/powertool pay bob 1" constantly will face punishment and have the feature immediately removed with no refund. This command is to make a few tasks easier for you, not to spam your peers. As well there is to be no command spamming, such as binding the repair hand command to a shovel and using it. You are constantly executing the command by doing this thus spamming the console/log files. Bind your command, use it when needed, and clear it or use a different tool.

    /powertool d: -or- /pt d:
    • Use this command simply as it is written "/powertool d:" and hit enter to remove all your powertools. Great if you've forgotten what items are assigned to what powertools and are using random commands accidentally. This command will simply clear your entire powertool file so you may start over.
    /powertooltoggle -or- /pttoggle
    • Use this command to toggle your powertools. Say you have set up a great many of them and remember what each of them are, however you would like to temporarily disable them and only enable them when needed. This is exactly what the /powertooltoggle command is for!
    /enderchest -or- /eec
    • Use this command to open up your enderchest anywhere you are and edit it as you see fit! Now you carry one on you at all times!
    Visit our shop to purchase this feature!

    Feature Upgrade(top)

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