(Main) Nickname

Feb 5, 2023
(Main) Nickname

  • Nickname - ($) 50(top)

    *Feature is available in all worlds!*

    Purchasing the nickname feature allows you to change your nickname anytime you like. There are no restrictions on the amount of times you can change your nickname, however there are a few rules that must be obeyed with this feature.

    • The /nick command allows you to change your nickname! Your name will then appear in game with a ** sign behind it alerting users you are using a nickname. This command has a cool-down of 10 seconds.
    /nick off
    • The /nick off command will remove your current nickname. This command has no cool-down and can be used immediately after selecting a nickname.
    Please be sure to follow our specific Server Rules in regards to nicknames.

    Visit our shop to purchase this feature!

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