By AlexM850 on Sep 2, 2014 at 2:24 PM
  1. AlexM850

    Apr 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hi AEM Network players,

    We're working on updating AEM Network to 1.8 so please give us some time to do so. Plugins such as disguisecraft may temporarily be down for a few days, however, we will try our best to get things updated as fast as possible. We're going to be updating all servers on the network to 1.8. So that you can all enjoy these new changes.

    Edit: Skyblock, Skygrid, Skywars, Survival, & Creative will be down overnight in order to safely update user UUID's. Please enjoy our other servers while these are being updated! I will keep you updated as these servers finish uuid conversions and when each one opens back up tonight/tomorrow.

    Thanks, @AlexM850 @EthanM850 @fuzzy_bot @psgs
    #1 AlexM850, Sep 2, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014


Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexM850, Sep 2, 2014.

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    1. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler

      He has too much!!! Hes ruining the economy by himself
      @DelvinC <3 you
    2. Warfare_Hunter
      survial i feel doesnt need the reset it has two world that we use to gather and build. we can just ask to get some plots reset if nobody uses hem anymore in the build world and in the pit it is reset mothly so no problem there the only problem would be the noobs that dont follow the rules and destroy our great building world. the otehr servers i have played on and they seem like they can survive a reset
    3. zRinne
      I admit it would be really painful to see builds players have put into their builds to reset, or those who were working on monthly projects to suddenly have to start over before even completing it. I'm just worried on how the normal players would react to the reset.
    4. Cross_knight
      in my opinion I think skygrid is way overdue for a reset if anyone does /wild you pretty cant find anything good so it would be amazing for a restart
    5. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler
      There should be a vote on each server if it should reset or not but only donators can vote
    6. Cross_knight
      I have set one up on skygrid but it isn't to decide whether it is or isn't Alex and Ethan decide that
    7. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler
      Well as far as i know skyblock isnt getting reset and im happy with that
    8. fuzzy_bot
      A beta version of Zombies 1.8 is now online.
    9. Rainingrecon
      What's changed? To my knowledge, 1.8 didn't change combat mechanics and only added building blocks.
    10. fuzzy_bot
      Internal code changed a lot, the protocol is completely different. Additionally Zombies was still on a 1.7.2 server, I had to update the code to 1.7.10 (uuids) before working on the 1.7.10->1.8 protocol patch.
    11. zRinne
      I think the opinion of everyone is better :)
      Donor or not, it's best not to leave others out. I know it's not your intention but there's a pinch of discrimination from the way you put it. I do not want non donors to think donors are superior. We're all on even ground. So let's include them too.
      Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
    12. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler
      I know the opinion from everyone is better but there are a lot more non-doners and i think that some of them wouldn't care about it so thats why i thought about making it donator only or maybe we can d0 it by island level. These are just ideas that i like to write down
    13. Chewie
      If skyblock reset, people would try to kill alex, remember how crazy it got when the hard drive crashed?
    14. Meg1626
      Save Alex's life, no Skyblock reset! :D

      From everything I've been told, and I bug a LOT, Skyblock will not be resetting anytime soon. ;)
    15. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler
      Meg if it ever resets we should be on an island together :D
    16. Noor
      How in the world is that even remotely fair? Why shouldn't members(who make up most of the server, mind you) be able to vote on the future of the server? I hate donors who act like they're the center of the world just because they swiped their parent's credit card.
    17. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler
      Ha that's kinda funny and I don't live with my parents so I got my own moneys :D But I'm saying there are a lot more non donaters than donaters and people who do are tend to care a little more about there island or they have more to lose. No need to get mad just a suggestion.
    18. Franco
      I'm hunting wabbits. :3

      But seriously, I can't wait!
      I spent a while converting my skins to 1.8!
    19. Danny Von Monroe
      Danny Von Monroe
      I hate you. ♡
    20. Danny Von Monroe
      Danny Von Monroe
      I am currently at school so I do not know, nor can I check, but are the servers up yet or will they be soon? Thanks c:
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