By AlexM850 on Sep 2, 2014 at 2:24 PM
  1. AlexM850

    Apr 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hi AEM Network players,

    We're working on updating AEM Network to 1.8 so please give us some time to do so. Plugins such as disguisecraft may temporarily be down for a few days, however, we will try our best to get things updated as fast as possible. We're going to be updating all servers on the network to 1.8. So that you can all enjoy these new changes.

    Edit: Skyblock, Skygrid, Skywars, Survival, & Creative will be down overnight in order to safely update user UUID's. Please enjoy our other servers while these are being updated! I will keep you updated as these servers finish uuid conversions and when each one opens back up tonight/tomorrow.

    Thanks, @AlexM850 @EthanM850 @fuzzy_bot @psgs
    #1 AlexM850, Sep 2, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014


Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexM850, Sep 2, 2014.

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    1. Meg1626
      It would not be fair and will never happen anyway. The owners and devs will decide what needs to be reset and whatever will be reset will be for the good of the servers and all players, ranked or not. Ranks do not entitle anyone to special treatment.

      And, for the record, I used my own credit card to pay for my ranks. :p
    2. ilivetofly
      I also use my own card to pay for my ranks (isn't global ban to like steal a parents card?) and while I understand the point he has made its quite unfair to leave out non-doner's but its also unfair for a bunch of people who have never been on skyblock (or another specific server) to blow in and vote for a reset just to mess with the people who don't want it reset.

      On another note I would oppose a sky-block reset but I suppose at the end of the day its out of our hands, many factors can influence a rest bits or code going astray and all kinds of other problems with retaining everything perfectly. Sometimes a reset is just less stressful.

      Whatever happens I look excited to see bunny's on my /is and racks to hold my armor... it sounds good basically.
    3. ilivetofly
      I dont know if I am supposed to be able to assess this but on the form mane page there's like 4 banlists and like half list me to an archive of everyone who has ever been reprimanded and why...
    4. zRinne
      Which is why, if they do decide to cast votes, anyone should be able to vote BUT, also comment their reason why.
      That way we know what they're thinking about and the reason behind their vote. We won't count the votes without comments, count that as junk because we don't know their reason. That should make it more fair. But then again I doubt they will set up votes.
    5. BomberDude96
      Thats actually a really good idea Rinne.

      I +1 that idea.
    6. Dermerk
      I don't think that's a mistake. Maybe staff just allows us to check in bans now instead of us having to pester them every time.
    7. ilivetofly
      well i figured i would make the staff aware just in case
    8. Meg1626
      Yep it's supposed to be there now. Thanks fly!
    9. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler
      well I like all the ideas but how about none of them happen:p
    10. Beast_Finley
      Hopefully skyblock doesnt get reset. Or if it does compenation would be nice haha! especially being a Skylegend
    11. Blake Cutler
      Blake Cutler
      I wish i could get $200 for compensation. I would spend it on....... Things that cant be said in polite company. Let your minds wonder about what it is
    12. AlexM850
      This thread has gone beyond talking about what the actual thread is about. Thread locked.
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