By andrewkm on Jun 27, 2018 at 8:16 PM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:

    Just as with monthly spawners, we now have Monthly McMMO Keys.
    Shop page:
    Wiki page:

    Basically, a monthly mcmmo key upgrade costs 2.5x that of a single mcmmo key, however, the upgrade carries with you forever, across every yearly reset, etc. Once you have it, it never leaves your account.

    We will still sell single mcmmo keys of course for those who want that extra boost if they are on a cooldown, or don't have a monthly mcmmo package in their account.

    Other news you may have missed:
    (Most of these posted to Discord news section, join us via

    - You can now use /register while connected to any server for a free $5,000 ECD.
    - SkyGod's can now /fill water & /fill clear.
    - SkyGod's can now color signs.
    - SkyBlock Event Token Shop is now live.
    - VIP users on SkyBlock get /near, SkyLord users on SkyBlock get /jump.
    - Two cactus challenges are now unlimited.
    - SkyLords now get /fix all (moved down from SkyLegend previously).


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Jun 27, 2018.