[New Players] Getting Started Tutorial

Discussion in 'Basic Tutorials' started by OctavianCloud, May 1, 2016.

  1. OctavianCloud

    OctavianCloud Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 1, 2011
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    Welcome to Getting Started Tutorial
    This tutorial is designed to get you started on the server. It starts at the spawn and goes all the way down to ways to make money. If you wish to skip ahead at anytime just click on the proper spoiler to get information on the subject. Switching to Global channel in game via /ch g is a good way to get answers to your questions fast if your not willing to read this guide.

    When you first start on the server youll be in the spawn. Here you can get to just about anywhere but some locations will be blocked to you right away. There is a tutorial that is somewhat out of date or gives improper information on some areas but for the most part is a good way to learn some basics. So go ahead and visit the tutorial but where it tells you to sell nether stars do not do this! Hold onto those until later in this guide under the markets section.

    One of the easiest ways to make money early on and a good way to eventually make really good money is to vote for the server. Type /vote and it will bring up the following [​IMG]
    From here click on each link and youll get the following screen [​IMG]
    type in your username as it is shown in game. This is very important if you wish to receive your gifts. As of this posting you can vote 4 times per day and get one nether star each with a chance to get lucky and get many other items including animal spawn eggs and diamond all which hold some value. So remember to vote each day.

    Your first home and chat
    Before we get into how to go about getting your first home we are going to go over the various chat channels and how to get to them.
    /ch g - Typing this will get you into the global channel. Global is general chatting. Everyone can see this channel.
    /ch l - Typing this will get you into the local channel, use this to talk to people close to you or while your in towns to chat with other residents of the town
    /ch tr - Typing this will get you into the trade channel. The trade channel is where you can buy or sell things to other players.
    /ch auc - Typing this will get you into the auction channel. This is a good channel to auction off your more valuable items. Typing /auc will give you more details on how to do auctions.
    /pm usersname - Replacing username with the person your trying to talk to will let you chat with just that person.

    To get your first home, first join trade channel and ask for someone buying nstars at the highest price. If there are a decent amount of people on they will likely direct you to a market stall or town where you can sell as of this post at 560-580$. This will net you over 2000$ just to start out with. Once you have this money in trade channel once again ask to buy a plot in a town with a warp. There being a warp in the town frees up your only /sethome for other uses. /sethome "name" allows you to set a home wherever you type that, typing home "name" make sure not to put quotes on name and name the home whatever you wish. You may be able to buy a piece of land in a town cheaper by moving in somewhere without a warp, i dont suggest this but it is up to you. Nether Stars are used to buy Star Tools. These are the most powerful tools on the server but cost a lot of Nether Stars to purchase. Instead of selling them you might wish to save them toward a eventual star tool purchase, this is up to you but you can always buy some later to do so.

    A bit more on chatting
    /r - allows you to reply to messages sent to you.
    /bal - allows you to see your bank balance.
    /pay username amount - change username to the name of the person your trading with and amount to the amount your spending. (Example - /pay OctavianCloud 1 would pay me 1 dollar.)
    /tpaccept - If someone sends you a request to teleport to them or them to you this will allow you to accept the request.

    Trade Signs
    Trade signs allow you to buy and sell to other players without using commands and dropping items. Its much safer to use these. You get the ability to use trade signs when you rank up to resident which will be covered later in this tutorial.
    To make a trade sign it should appear like this:

    1 flint:10

    The above trade sign would sell 1 flint to you for 1 dollar and would pay it to me. It has 10 flint on it for sale.

    1 flint:10

    The above trade sign would buy 1 flint for 1 dollar it has 10 flint on it and 100$ to buy flint.
    More on how to do trade signs can be found @ https://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Creating_a_Store_/_Using_Trade_Signs

    A user made video on trade signs can be found @ https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/tutorial-video-trade-signs.135152/

    Ranking Up
    To rank up you must use the forums. Your first rank starting up is to builder, builders are allowed to apply to use the nether and end but should wait till later to do this. Your next rank costs 15,000$ and is called resident. Residents are allowed to use trade signs allowing you to get a spawn shop at the market. To get to the market type /market. The next rank after resident is where things start to get interesting and complicated. Its called Mayor and costs 85,000$ with mayor you get your own town allowing you to develop it however you want and maybe sell plots or make stores or start a casino or anything you can come up with.

    Even More Commands
    /kit - typing this will show you all the kits you can use such as /kit starter which will give you some starting tools and food.
    /spawn - typing this will bring you back to the spawn and allow you to get around easier.
    /market - typing this brings you to player run market stalls at spawn where you can buy and sell items and blocks.
    /sell - allows you to sell what your holding to the server.
    /sell hand - allows you to sell all of the same item your holding including that of your inventory.
    /sell all - allows you to sell all the items you are carrying to the server.
    /wild - will send you somewhere in the wild .
    /wild land - will put you in the wild but on land.
    /wild water - will put you in water in the wild.

    If you ever need help with commands or anything /ch g is a good place to ask. Its best not to beg in any channel though there are many players who will gladly help you get started on the server. If i happen to be online which you can find out by typing /who and looking for my user name on the list that comes up send me a pm and ill get you a place to live and a starter set of armor and tools to get you going. Welcome to ECC and hope you have a good time here like we all do!

    Useful Wiki Links
    Coming Soon!
    #1 OctavianCloud, May 1, 2016
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
  2. Shostabrovich_

    Shostabrovich_ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 19, 2016
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  3. OctavianCloud

    OctavianCloud Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 1, 2011
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    Thank you, anything you think i should add to it?
  4. Shostabrovich_

    Shostabrovich_ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 19, 2016
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    Despite you mentioning that there is a tutorial (and I assume the tutorial has all the rules/links to the rules), but they might not go as this is basically a tutorial as well. Maybe adding like a spoiler for useful links to the wiki page.
  5. stigarose

    stigarose Eyecare Ex-EcoLegend
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Specify in the trade sign section to never place enchanted items in a trade sign. The enchantments will disappear if you do. You could also add a link to a player made video on trade signs which also explains storing experience in signs.

    Also, maybe add at the very top, /ch g command and specify it's the place to ask if has any immediate questions in game.
  6. OctavianCloud

    OctavianCloud Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 1, 2011
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    About to head to sleep will add these suggestions in later today/early tomorrow. Thank you both!

    Gonna wait a bit on the wiki links one due to potential changes to the wiki as a result of the eula enforcement.

    EDIT: Decided to make a quick note of all that in the post. Need to do some clean up later and likely will add more information. I want to be able to link new players to this post so they can easily find the help they need, so anything anyone thinks a new player really needs to know or commonly asked questions would be good to have.

    This guide is a update to the one currently already posted which i thought needed a bit more help while also making it easier to skip to parts that someone would need help with. Ill probably rewrite it sometime soon when im bored to make navigating it more in order of how most would start out on the server if they knew what they were doing already and going down a list. So this is more of a general outline/temp tutorial for now.
    #6 OctavianCloud, May 1, 2016
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
  7. Tim6690

    Tim6690 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 2, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    Input from a newbie
    It is good general information, but what its lacking is really any ways for beginners to start acquiring funds.
    I would suggest listing common ways builders can make money and brief explanations on how to do them such as:
    Mining: explain mining world, common types of techniques, enchanting tools, ect.
    Farming: what to farm, basic farm designs, server prices, ect.
    Jobs: related to use of /ch tr chat, common jobs people ask for, ec.
    What has really been helping me as a beginner is exploring the Wiki and Forums, which is kinda self explanatory but noteworthy.
    Overall good information!
  8. tumblemaster

    tumblemaster Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 20, 2015
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    I made a really great tutorial for beginners too, right HERE. It covers a WHOLE lot of similar stuff if you guys want to check it out.

    Also, do you mind if I link this post in my tutorial?
    #8 tumblemaster, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  9. OctavianCloud

    OctavianCloud Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 1, 2011
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    Sure @tumblemaster The goal is to help new players and let them see the options they have so the more info the better.
  10. NergalElite

    NergalElite Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Make sure you're in the mining world to do extended mining trips.
    If you are in Legacy/Rising rather than the Mining World you won't get any experience, the experience is really valuable when starting out (can sell it in market or use for enchanting).
  11. lilithebomb

    lilithebomb Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 16, 2020
    Trophy Points:
    Thank you very much for all this info!
  12. Bentheminernz

    Bentheminernz President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Mar 5, 2021
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    dang really helpful as I am 100% new to this server. Look at the builder rank